Chapter 2: Pax Becomes An Avenger

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We arrived at Niagara Falls in the mid-afternoon on Goat Island View Point, Canada. You might've been wondering how the Hunters get around the world so quickly. Well, as Artemis is a goddess of water and the guardian of harbors, she has some control over water. She granted us the ability to teleport to any area near or in the wilderness or a body of what she control, like a river.

"Wow," Thalia said in awe. "It's beautiful."

"Yes," I agreed. "It is."

I wasn't really focused on the beauty of the fall, more on finding the guy who bullied Pax and beating him to a pulp.

"I'm going to find him from overhead," I announced. "Wait here, Hunters."

I transformed into a falcon and soared into the air. I glided above the masses of people, my eyes scanning the ground. I squinted my eyes, and my vision zoomed in. onto the crowds. My eyes darted all around until I spotted him: a teenage boy around fourteen with messy black hair and a skateboard in hand. He was accompianed by four other skater dudes, all of whom were shoving people aside to proceed through the crowds.

I dove back to ground, landed beside Raiden, and shape-shifted back into my usual form. "Let's go."

I led my Hunters through the throngs of people, pushing aside the men and politely saying excuse me to the women. Evan Edwards was sitting on the rail, not worried about whether or he would plummet to his death. A couple of his cronies were skateboarding hazardously through the tourists, causing many of them to shoot him furious glances or make very rude hand gestures in his direction.

Once we all got within the vicinity of the boys, Pax, Thalia, Raiden, Agro, Dad, Snow, and I stepped foward with the rest of the Hunters waiting behind us, prepared to fight if need be. I gave Pax a gentle push forward.

"Go." I gave her an encouraging nod. "Confront your bully and aquire your revenge."

Pax nodded with a slight gulp. Her shoulder shook slightly, but she still held her head high and placed a dangerous expression on her face. Pax strutted her foward confidently, caught Evan's eye, and gave him an intimdating glare.

"Well, well," he sneered. "Fancy seeing you here, Pax-Ass."

"It's you whose the ass, Evan," Pax replied coldly.

Evan appeared surprised at Pax's retort. I deduced that Pax had not retaliated or confronted this stupid male about his bullying.

"Well," he said, recovering his composure, "looks like someone finally grew a spine."

Instead of responding, Pax charged forward, seized Evan's skateboard, and snapped it in half.

"What are you doing?" Evan shrieked, his eyes suddenly blazing with fury. "You broke my skateboard! You're gonna pay for this, little girl!"

At these last two words, Raiden took a step forward, provoked by the insult. I told her to wait and watch, while holding her back. Evan swung a punch at Pax, but she dodged with the swiftness of a Hunter. She grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

"Ready to apologize yet?" she hissed.

Evan's face was scrunched up with pain, and he looked petrified, as he should have when facing one of the Hunters of Artemis. "Okay," he grunted. "I'm sorry. Please let me go."

Pax obliged and released the bully. She proceeded back over to us, and I freed his friends from their plant confines. The five skater boys retreated away from us with wounded pride.

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