Found her

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Its a year after the break up Lucy left town a week after and changed her number only leaving it with Tamara she works out of a really small town shes on shift one day when she walks out to her car
Tim:your a hard woman to find when you don't want found
Lucy:T-Tim what are you doing here
Tim:looking for you
Tim:because i wanted to know you were ok and alive
Lucy:well you seen me so leave now
Tim:really your not gonna have one conversation with me
Tim:you don't think you owe me that
Lucy:I don't owe you a damn thing Bradford you broke up with me remember
Tim:so that gives you the right to disappear and hide from everybody
Lucy:im at work you need to leave
Tim:keep avoiding the conversation go ahead but im not leaving until we talk
Lucy:then you better get comfortable here cause thats never going to happen
She walks off and back into the station she works at Tim stays in the parking lot until she is off
Tim:told you im not going anywhere until i talk to you im a man of my word you of all people should know that
Lucy:go back to LA Tim theres nothing here for you
Tim:thats where your wrong because everyday that your here means something is here for me
Lucy:no no you don't get to come here and try to sweet talk me back into your life you broke my heart left me standing in the parking lot after everything we have been through together and you threw it away like it was nothing like i was nothing so no you don't get to guilt me into talking to you
Officer:everything ok here chen he bothering you
Lucy:no im good thanks Tim was just leaving
Tim:ok but for the record im sorry and i love you
Lucy:goodbye Tim
She turns and walks to her car he does the same
He doesn't leave town but goes to a hotel he is laying there staring up at the ceiling when his phone goes off its Angela
Angela:did you find her
Angela:you guys talk
Tim:sort of
Angela:so she yelled at you and you stood there and took it
Tim:basically im not leaving here Ang I can't
Angela:Tim maybe its time to let her go i get it you love her you hate that you hurt her we all miss her but if she doesn't want to leave then there's nothing you can do
Tim:im not done fighting for her yet im sorry
Angela:ok just please let me know your ok
Tim:i will
*knock on door*
Tim:i gotta go someone's at the door
He hangs up and walks to the door and opens it
Lucy:i hate you
Tim:i know come in
She walks in
Lucy:why did you come here
Tim:because i had to see you
Lucy:you hurt me Tim
Tim:i know and that is something I will never forgive myself for i meant what i said you are an incredible person and im an idiot for ever leaving you
Lucy:you don't get to just appear here and be part of my life again i love you but i can't have you in my life im sorry i gotta head out do us both a favor Tim go back to LA thats your home
She walks off leaving him standing there feeling heart broken but he does as she asks and packs up and goes home and heads to work the next
Angela:im guessing it didn't go well with her
Tim looks down at the floor shaking his head
Tim:no it didn't
Angela:come here
She wraps him in a hug
Tim:i can't let her go ang i can't
Angela:i know i know
Grey:hey Tim how about you head home today take some time
Tim:im good
Grey:son i know your not go home for today get your head together
That night as he is sitting in his dark living room he decides to call Tamara
Tam:hey i haven't heard from you in a while
Tim:i know im sorry i haven't been in touch kiddo
Tam:i get it Tim
Tim:i just wanted to check in on you make sure your ok
Tam:im good what about you you don't sound ok right now
Tim:im fine
Tam:you don't have to lie Tim you can talk to me
Tim:i uh went to see Lucy things didn't go well
Tam:im sorry
Tim:thanks anyway ill let you get back to whatever you have going on kiddo
Tam:i mean if you want to talk im not busy
Tim:maybe next time thanks Tam
Tam:no problem night dadford
Tim:good night
He hangs up and continues sitting in the dark silent house

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