Rewrite the stars

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With the sounds of gentle waves and the soft glow of the sun, she sat by the sea, drawing positive energy from it as she had done since she was a child. To her, the sea was a friend who eased the bitterness of her days and a confidant to whom she revealed everything happening in her life. But today was different; it was an important day with a crucial decision to make: either to forget the past and focus entirely on the present, or to remain stuck with the wounds of the past that time had not healed as people often say. But why was she in such confusion? Why had the past decided to resurface now, after she had tried to forget it for so many years? Perhaps for the first time, fate might be on her side. She didn't really know. With countless questions swirling in her mind, she decided to lie down on the beach and closed her eyes, recalling all the memories she had tried to bury for years.

Flashback (April, 2013)

A new day and new lectures. As usual, Ciara struggled to wake up, fearing she might fall asleep again and be late for her class. Finally, after some effort, she woke up and started her daily routine. She dressed nicely for the university with a simple hairstyle, packed her bag with what she needed, and went downstairs to eat something so she wouldn't feel faint at university due to her poor eating habits. But before heading to the kitchen, she went to her parents' picture, as she did every day, and gently kissed it. After eating, she left her house, heading to what she always called "hell."

While there, she met her friends, and they chatted until it was time for the lecture. They all went to the lecture hall, and Ciara focused intensely on the professor, taking notes diligently until the class ended and all the students left. Unfortunately, as she was putting her notebook and book into her bag, that notorious boy stopped her—the one who would harass every girl in the university, either by teasing, bullying, or pretending to love them only to break up with them later. That boy, named Chan, started bothering her with his usual comments: saying she cared more about her studies than herself and that she wasn't like the attractive girls he saw at university. As usual, she let him give his silly lecture and then walked away, unaffected by his words because, firstly, she was confident in herself and her appearance and wouldn't change for someone who in reality had no self-confidence. Secondly, Chan loved when girls reacted to him, getting into arguments and showing anger, but since Ciara was smart enough to understand his mentality, she never gave him the satisfaction of seeing her upset, which eventually made him angry. Each time, he tried to provoke her more, but she always left, looking at him disdainfully.

(August, 2015)

This routine continued for two years until the day that turned her life upside down. One day, she saw Chan getting into a fight with a group of boys, and it was clear the situation was escalating. But what caught her attention was that Chan didn't fight back, which was unlike him. Instead, he was just taking the beating. This made the other boys more aggressive, and they started beating him severely. Despite his annoying behavior, Ciara couldn't stand watching this scene. She ran towards them, shouting and trying to push them away from Chan, who was not defending himself and just taking the hits. In her attempts to separate them, she got hit on her shoulder, though not too hard. Finally, they left Chan alone, his body covered in bruises. He looked at her, exhausted and surprised that she had intervened to defend him, even though they couldn't stand each other.

Before Chan could say anything, she interjected, "Don't ask me why I intervened, especially since I'm the person who despises you the most in this university. Anyway, that's not important right now. What's important is that we go get your wounds and bruises treated, and then head to the dean to file a complaint against those students." Chan didn't utter a word and let her do as she wished. This silence intrigued Ciara even more, but she focused on helping him stand and supported him as they walked to the clinic located along one of the university's corridors. The doctor on duty started treating Chan, telling them that they should report the incident to the dean because the severity of the beating couldn't be ignored. Ciara replied that they planned to do just that after the doctor finished his work.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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