Getting stuck

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Ashley and Norman were going hiking in the woods and they had radar the rescue dog with them to keep them safe from danger. Suddenly Ashley fell and was stuck near the end of the trail near the water so Ashley and Norman called for help Charlie heard them and he saw that Ashley was stuck so he called his brother once Sam got to where Norman and Ashley is Sam saw Ashley and she looked like she was ganna be sick he was worrried for his daughter so he had to get her fast. Once he got to her. Ashley hugged her father and he hugged her back and helped her get back up and radar licked her and Ashley told Norman that fireman Sam is her father. Norman was surprised by what she told him. Once they got back they brought Norman back home and told him don't go out alone again near the cliffs. Sam and Ashley got back to the station Sam told her to not go near the cliffs ever again with out him. Ashley nodded her head and fell asleep on her dad happier than ever to be back with him. Once she woke up Ashley had tea with the whole team and hugged Elvis as she thought him as her godfather. Elvis was surprised because she never has hugged him before but he hugged her back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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