•Chapter Six•

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow across the shimmering waters as I stood aboard the luxurious yacht watching as Liam and Jackson were making their way towards the big entrance. I watched their every step as they walked through the bridge connecting the yacht with actual land. I stood still, cracking my fingers as i bite my lip i find myself shakingly walking through the bridge, eyes shut. I slightly open them as i quickly grab onto the fancy ropes used as a barrier on each side of the bridge to prevent any dangerous accidents of falling into the water. Despite the excitement of today's big event, I couldn't shake off the deep-seated anxiety that churned within me.

The memories of my past haunted my thoughts, casting a shadow over my present success. Despite my concerns, I had agreed to attend the party. However, being on the yacht was proving to be more challenging than I had anticipated.

As i finally step into the venue, still feeling uncomfortably naked to remove the scarf i had wrapped around me hiding all the good spots, I could feel Sophie's eyes on me, i always tend to be the center of her attention even if the last thing i ever want to be right now is the center of anyone's attention, really. She had once been in my position, understandable.. but that doesn't mean she should be that resentful towards me, it wasn't even my decision.

Now, she couldn't stand the sight of me flourishing in the role that once belonged to her. After what the brothers had told me about their .. very interesting relationship, i can never look at them the same.

Especially our CEO. Jackson.

Every time i remind myself of their disturbing behavior i just feel more and more grossed out.
It's not the poor girl's fault, she's in love. But Jackson on the other hand is just toying with her emotions.

Or should i say using her for his own needs and pleasure, she's somewhat the source of his fantasies, the tease to his lust, and the distraction from his own demons.

I tried to focus on the horizon, the calm sea, and the festive atmosphere around me.

I walked towards the bar keeping a distance of 2 meters between me and the barman behind the counter, feeling a pair of eyes set on me, i try my best to focus on my order, "are there by any chance non-alcoholic drinks?" I watch the barman nod before he goes to reach for the drink menu, before he could come back i try to catch a peek towards the direction where i sensed the gaze of those pair of eyes..
they were Jackson's.

Before i could switch my attention back to the barman, i catch that tall, muscular figure stepping closer to where i was standing. I read the menu trying not to interlock gazes with Jackson, "may i have one cup of orange juice with three ice cubes please." I hand him back the menu as he nods and starts serving my order. "And it's gonna be one cup of water with four ice cubes for you mr Jackson?" I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Indeed." His voice, deep, yet sharper than any knife cut all the way through my spine, sending chills all over my body. I look up to face him, still 2 meters away from the bar, he looks down at me, his expressions look somewhat confused, with his piercing blue eyes, a splendid shade of blue with a blinding shine staring down at each stressful breath i let out.

He fixes his gaze back to the barman as he steps closer to the counter. "Why are you standing there? Come get your drink." I snap out of my freakout as i quickly grab the glass of orange juice making my way out of his sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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