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Teardrop woke up from her nap, clearly bored of how nothing was happening around here, so she went outside after she fully awoken. As soon as she left, the chatter of everyone filled the air, making her a little happy that everyone was so active, she also noticed the BFB contestants are also there, hanging out with the tpot contestants. but who she spotted out in the crowd immediately?? Gelatin. Teardrop has had a crush on gelatin immediately after she got to know him better, so every time she saw him, she would get flustered, and seem very nervous. she took a deep breath, and walked up to him.

"Hey Gelatin!" *she signed, as she got closer so he could see her better, he immediately noticed Teardrop and said, " oh hey tearster! didn't expect to see you here! " Teardrop was confused, but understood as she forgot to tell them that she was going to join tpot earlier.. "Is this where you've been all this time? I don't blame you! nice... yellow grass going on here!"  He says, clearly confused on how in the WORLD is the grass yellow, but shrugs it off "Soo, do you just stay inside all day? " Teardrop seems taken aback, and shakes her head, then signs, "I go on walks daily."

—-                                                                     GELATIN POV.                                                                                          —-

Teardrop seems a little, off? ehh whatever, probably not. Teardrop hasn't told me anything, or is she hiding something? Whatever, she seems flustered so I'm just gonna ask how her day was!  "hey tearster! how has your day been!?" she signed back that she just woke up... ah.. not expected, but it's like.. 5pm? how does one JUST wake up? must've stayed up late then, could never be me —

—.                                                                                NARRATOR POV.                                                                                                           .—

Gelatin got tapped on the shoulder, it was by lollipop! she said, "jelly boy, you don't wanna be late do you? fours calling us all , come on." teardrop got a little jealous of how lollipop was taking gelatin away, but she just took a deep breath, and followed the crowd towards where four was announcing something.. (JUST PRETEND ITS SOMEWHAT LIKE A CLAN MEETING IN WARRIOR CATS) " ok.. so everyone's here correct? " four asked, looking at two.. "I counted! all contestants are here." two replied. "OK. so as everyone knows, me and two are... NOT the bestest of friends.." four said, in an annoyed face. "oh! you mean how we ARE the bestest of friends!" two said, a smile on their face. four replying with, "STOP CUTTING ME OFF. moving on. X had an idea for me and two to get along, which I don't think will work.. but for a couple of weeks, the bfb cast will be staying with the tpot cast, so me and two can talk... and x to figure out some activities for all of you guys to do! ok now.. perish." teardrop snickered at the last part, with how aggressive four sounded. she then walked up to gelatin and took ANOTHER deep breath, as she was about to put out one of the most OBVIOUS hints that she likes him. she taps him on the shoulder lightly, then signs while sweating, "hey gelatin! I kinda.. wanna be more than friends.." she said in sign, shaking a little waiting for his answer. "wait... we weren't already? we were.. still in the friends phase?? I thought we were already bffs..." he said, clearly a little sad of how he just noticed that they weren't already bffs. teardrop didn't mean it like that and quickly signed, "what no! I like you way more than that! like.. romance! " that doesn't help much.. gelatin replies with, " ohh!! bromance! phew, I thought you weren't my best friend! don't scare me like that Td! " *teardrop rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed that gelatin didn't get her hints, she then gave gelatin a hug and went back inside, clearly angry about the fact gelatin didn't get it. Teardrop was about to lay down when someone knocked on the door, she opened it and saw X. "If you wanna partake in the activities, I recommend you come outside!" The cohost said, then closed her door and left with a joyous smile on their face. Teardrop then opened the door and followed, it seemed everyone was going. X then announced that we were all gonna play hide n seek, teardrop wasn't the best at being the hider OR the seeker, but she was gonna atleast try. People that wanted to be the seeker then stepped up, one of them was gelatin! Teardrop wasn't sure of how good his hiding skills were, but he was very good at finding people. X then choose TWO seekers, needle and gelatin, needle is fast, so everyone's not gonna have a CHANCE to run, thy started counting to 60, so everyone ran.


It would be obvious if I hid someone near water, so I'll hide somewhere near fire I guess? But where can I find fire? Or lava for that matter! hmm, oh! I don't need to do that .. the hotel has enough story's, I can just hide in a room.. aha! Golfball's room is.. quite clean.. but I can still hide here! a lot of the screens are still on so that adds a blue tint, I'll just hide behind a drawer..


I'm in one of easiest hiding spots.. where are they..
they MUST atleast be close to finding me. This is stupid im getting out. *I leave Golfballs room and go outside, they all seem to be worried about something? I'm hungry so.. if the foods go— "TEARDROP THERE YOU ARE! WE' COULDNT FIND YOU." what the HELL. what do you mean, you couldn't find me? do people just not go in gb's room?


Everyone was circling teardrop as if she was some sort of celebrity, like Loser. She felt overwhelmed by the comments asking if she was okay, how is she, and why she didn't yell out when they heard them yell the games over. She clearly DIDNT need help, and she was annoyed how they didn't think she was in gb's room.


she signed, everyone looked at her with a shocked face, and it wasn't because no one dared go in there, it was the fact that tb and gb SHARED a room, so gb didn't have a room. Golfball stared hard at teardrop, looking a little mad..

"YOU WENT.. IN ME AND TENNISBALL'S ROOM?" Golfball said, angrily looking at Td. Teardrop nodded, wondering why she was angry at Teardrop for a stupid reason.. she then asked "why do you have so many computers in there.." Teardrop asked in sign, and was yet again answered by more silence..
Tennis ball the stepped up and said "err.. our room only has ONE computer.. who's room were you in? and golfy checks everyone's room if she's missing something important, and none had more than TWO if they were sharing.."

(HEY GUYS GUESS WHO WANTS TO WRITE me.. errr ooo scary mystery, I wonder.. who's room IS it? you'll never know.-PIXIE)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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