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**most of the story is Lainey's POV unless stated otherwise**

Sunday night.

Out with my best friend Marina.

"Its getting late.. I think we should go," I yell over all the music.

"Whatever, Lainey. It's only 11, you're such a buzz kill," she replies with the smell of beer in her words. "You're drunk and you're not driving home, let's go," I drag her out of Danny Zimmermans house and lead her to my car. "That party was sick, don't cha think," she slurs. I don't reply. I drive her home and walk her to her front door.

I walk back to my car only to find a note in my windshield wipers. "Meet me by the abandoned factory in the morning." It must be from Zach, my boyfriend. I get in the car and drive home. When I get home I change into a long t-shirt and booty shorts, and lay in bed. "If only he was here," I whisper to myself. I soon doze off to sleep.


Alarm buzzing.

Phone ringing.

It's Zach.

I answer the phone, "hey babe. What's up?"

"Um... change of plans... Can we not meet this morn," he says. "Why? What's wrong," I reply kinda weary. "Um. I'm breaking up with you. Me and Kimberly are dating now," he explained. "Oh. Well.. then go rot in hell with Kimberly," I cried, putting emphasis on Kimberly.

I hang up.

I take a quick shower before changing into my school outfit. I head downstairs and out the door before anyone says anything to me.

Off to school.

I get in my car and drive off. When I get to school, I see a guy leaning up against a wall. All alone. I meet with Marina and ask her if she knows who he is. "Oh him? He's the new kid. You know, the one who no one knows about, really secretive," she says while walking up to Danny. I stay behind to talk to the new kid, but when I turn around. He's gone.

The Match Made in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now