Chapter 7 - "Turn Things Around"

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As Liv walked out of the dressing room she was in, she wiped off her tears and walked towards the backstage lobby. The distinct rush in her step warned those around her to not come closer. Liv took out her phone and dialed her best friend CJ Perry. The phone rang only once before it was answered.

"Hey boo, how's it going?" CJ answered, cheery as usual.

"I'm about to leave back to Florida, are you doing anything tonight?" Liv still shaken up by the encounter.

"For you honey, I got all the time in the world." CJ paused for a sec, it sounded like she was washing dishes and stopped when she noticed the different timbre in Liv's voice "Are you ok? You sound-"

"I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted. See you tonight?" Liv interrupted, as she wanted to skip over the pleasantries.

CJ sighed, she worried for Liv, but trusted her all the same, "Sure thing, I'll make dinner for the both of us. Take care, ok Gionna?"

"You're the best, I'll see you soon." Liv said before hanging up.

She called herself an uber back to the hotel and gathered her stuff before heading off to the airport. As she arrived at the airport she received a message on her phone.

(Drew G.): Hey

(Liv): Hi :/

(Drew G.): How did your meeting go with Triple H?

(Liv): Rhea's gonna be out for a few months. They're giving the title to Becky and she'll end up doing business for me.

(Drew G.): Oh shit! I'm proud of you!

(Liv): I'm not too happy about it tho :(

(Drew G.): Why? This is a great opportunity for you! I mean, it's unfortunate the way it happened, but still, you're gonna be champion!

(Liv): I don't feel like a champ. I could really use a good drink rn haha.

(Drew G.): You wanna grab a pint tonight???

(Liv): I'll have to owe you one, am flying back to Florida tonight. Thx for reaching out <3.

(Drew G.): Anytime 👍


After what felt like days in TSA and a stealth mission to steer away from creeps looking for wrestlers at the airport, she finally arrived at her high class seat. It was the type of seat with walls surrounding it and with a small sliding door for extra privacy. Not that there was a need for it since this time around, she was the only one in that section; this was an extremely rare occurrence. No matter, Liv made herself comfortable with a blanket and some headphones before slipping slowly out of consciousness.

As she started falling asleep an image of Rhea came into her mind, she was wearing a dress. Beautiful, long, white at the torso and fading to black in the sleeves and towards her feet. She imagined her holding a dark red roses bouquet and a having veil covering her face.

Liv smiled, as she went in for a kiss, Rhea stopped her and whispered in her ear, "I could never love you like I love him."

Liv shook and awoke from her slumber. A physical feeling of shaking also subsidied as fast as it arrived and she heard over the plane intercom, "That should be the bulk of the turbulence, we appreciate your patience and cooperation".

Damn it, Liv thought. I need to get a hold of myself. The rest of that flight, she opened up a book and kept her mind occupied on other things as best as she could. As the time passed, images of the woman she most loved would inevitably creep up in her mind every know and then, but she did her best to keep them at bay.

Liv got off the plane and briskly walked towards the entrance. Hoodie up and sunglasses on, she was able to blend in pretty well. As she got closer to exiting, she began seeing people with signs welcoming their families and friends. That's cute, she thought and then giggled. Then, Liv noticed a particular sign which just said:


She immediately heard a familiar voice call out to her, the same one that was holding the sign. "Heyyy Gionna! Welcome back!" CJ called out.

Liv's expression lit up for a moment. She quickly walked towards CJ with a pep in her step and embraced her. Liv breathed in and exhaled deliberately as she felt the warmth of a best friend she had been missing for a while. "Alright, alright, I get it, you missed me." Perry said as Liv held her tight.

Liv pulled away slowly and wiped off some of her sweat and a little drop that had formed in her eye, "I'm sorry it's been a tough week." Liv said.

"Well now that you are here, how about we turn things around?" CJ said, "C'mon let's go to my car."

Liv nodded and they both started making their way towards the parking lot. "How did you know I was already arriving?" Liv asked.

"I got my sources." CJ said with a smirk.

The two made small talk on the way to CJ's car and headed towards their home.

"So how's the business? It's looking really hot after Wrestlemania." CJ asked while she opened the door.

"Oh, it's actually great right now. I'm actually set to win the world title soon." Liv said, getting a big sheepish near the end.

CJ turned around in shock, "Really?! Oh my God, I'm so happy for you!" CJ embraced Liv.

Liv reciprocate, but in a mournful tone, "Thanks... I really don't think I deserve it."

CJ pulled away, still holding onto Liv, "What? Bullshit, you deserve that and more! You'll beat Rhea and have your big moment."

"That's the thing, I'm not beating Rhea." Liv responded.

"Woah, I feel like we're gonna need a glass before we continue, c'mon." CJ pulled Liv into the home, sitting her on their couch and getting wine glasses, a bucket of ice and a bottle of red in the blink of an eye. "So... do tell. What happened?" CJ poured a glass and passed it on.

Liv took a big sip, exhaled and started talking, "Basically, I injured Rhea by accident and she got pissed at me because she thinks I did it on purpose. I had a crisis, but Natalya helped me out of it. Triple H then told me that Becky is gonna help put me over and I'll win the title at the Saudi show. Rhea and I had a mini confrontation where she blamed me for all or this."

"Well that's stupid, why the he'll would you injure her on purpose?" CJ scoffed at the thought.

Liv looked embarrassed at what she was about to confess, "Maybe because I had an affair with her from January until she dumped me about May of this year?"

CJ choked on her wine before getting her words out, "You what?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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