Chapter 18 / The end

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Offroad POV

"Shhh, Daddy is trying to rest." Offroad heard Daou whisper. The door to his hospital room clicked open.

"Is that my brother?" Chance whispered back. Offroad cracked open his eyes to see his mother and Chance walking into the room. Chance immediately sprinted to Daou who was currently sitting on the couch in the hospital room holding their son. A week overdue, their son decided to finally make their way into the world last night. Offroad had woken in the middle of the night needing to pee really badly only to have his water break the moment he stood. He had woken Daou trying to remain calm as he informed him they needed to go to the hospital now. Thank goodness his mother had decided the day prior she was going to stay in the new house with this just in case something like this happened.

As they left the house Offroad felt a bit of panic as his mother would not be with him this time but his nerves were quickly settled when he had felt Daou grab his hand and squeeze. He had his alpha with him this time. He wasn't subjected to the 25 hours of labor this time around but once again due to not dilating and his son wanting to come right now, he was taken in for another c-section. But after it was all said and done their son Charlie Kasem Saechua was finally here.

"Be gentle, he is a bit fragile," His mother warned Chance as he climbed onto the couch to take a look at his brother.

"Papa, did you name him yet?" Chance asked excitedly, tapping Daou's shoulder.

"His name is Charlie," Offroad said, causing them all to turn and look at him. Chance smiled from ear to ear. When he and Daou had been going back and forth for nicknames, Chance submitted his own, Blue, Beta, Delta, and Charlie. Offroad was not too fond of any of them at first. Daou was all for the nickname Blue. But as the weeks dragged on Charlie stuck in his head.

"Grandma did you hear!?" Chance yelled excitedly. The excitement proved too much for Charlie as he began to cry. "Oh, I am sorry baby," Chance said, lightly patting his brother's head. Offroad reached his hands out for his son and Daou stood and transferred the little baby to him. He was longer than Chance was, which Offroad figured he had gotten his papa's height. There were differences between his boys but they both appeared similar to Daou when he was in college, fluffy hair and all.

"You wanna hold him?" Offroad asked Chance as he rocked the baby. Chance nodded eagerly, Daou scooped him up as Offroad scooted over, placing Chance on the bed next to him. "You gotta hold his head, remember? He can't hold it on his own just yet." Offroad instructed as Chance assumed the position they had been practicing with him for weeks now with his own baby dolls. Daou knelt down to be level with Chance to help assist him as Offroad transferred the baby into Chance's arms.

"Hi Charlie," Chance whispered. Charlie's eyes were open and staring at his brother, his gaze fixed on the new face. "Look, Daddy! He likes me." Chance giggled as Charlie had yet to cry. Offroad smiled at his son, he watched as Daou and Chance exchanged words back and forth over how tiny he was. Offroad felt a ping of sadness when Chance asked Daou if his hands were this tiny when he was born. Daou smiled at his son and said I think they were, while reaching over to grab Offroads hand squeezing realizing the question must have upset him.

"Look over here," His mother called. They all proceeded to look at his mother who had been taking photos. "That is definitely one for the photo book." She smiled at them after looking up from her phone. There was a knock at the door, as Diamond and Film entered, followed by Jo and surprisingly Mang. Then Poon filled in with Joong and Geler and then came Daous' mother and father. The only person missing was his own father who had already called offering his congratulations to both of them earlier in the morning. Offroad grabbed the baby back from Chance who stayed at his side, one by one they all came over, peaking at the baby and offering their congratulations.

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