Raven soul adventure

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Raven looked around to take in her surroundings. She was in some sort of cave. It was cold and damp with crystals and gems everywhere.
      " Wow!" Was literally the only thing she can say.
    The cave was lit by the glowing crystals and quartz against the walls. Each crystal in court had a unique color and shape ranging from White to light pink then blue to dark purple. And in the center of it home was a group of rabbits but none like Raven had ever seen before.
{Crystalline rabbits type rare. Level d
Crystalline rabbits are a rare soul fragment because they live underground in caves that are hard to get to by normal means and are hardly ever seen on the surface.
The jewels and quartz on these crystalline rabbits are prized by Jewelers and are used as raw materials.}
{This crystalline rabbit is tamed by Raven Potter.}
    " Huh? What does that mean. Tamed by Raven Potter." She muttered to herself.
   "It means little mistress. That when you were unconscious the leader or the Warden of this borough bonded with you. "
      "So what does that mean for me exactly Mortimer? " She asked curiously while petting the rabbit's head being mindful of the sharp edges of the stones hanging on its body.
     "Well mistress it means that you have a unique skill called taming. Taming is a skill that allows the user to bond with wild soul fragments like the rabbits that you see before you."
Raven got up to get a closer look around the cave. ' It's beautiful and peaceful here. I wish it could be like this all the time.'
Raven thought to herself as she looked at the largest crystal hanging from the ceiling of the cave.
{diamond habitat core. Type unique level c
A habitat core is a special space that allows a habitat to be moved from one place to another. For certain types of Hunter's a whole heard of beasts that live in this habitat can be shrunken down and be held inside of a card called a captured card.
And then placed somewhere else or sold for profit.}
"Hey Mortimer what does it mean that it can be shrunken down into the card?" Raven asked the god of death.
"To put it simply little mistress. Once you've tamed a soul fragment it could then be placed inside of a card until you need it."
The mans voice said.
" So where do I get these so-called captured cards?." She asked.
"You can buy them at diagon alley or any hunters association. But for now I would just absorb it into the necklace I gave you. This will be a good time to tell you how it works. Place one hand on the core and the other on your necklace. Then say" absorb". You can change the words you can change the passwords later."
Doing what Mortimer said for her to do Raven climbed up a crystal boulder and held up her hand and called out. "Absorb."
        Before she knew it she was falling from the now stone Boulder there were no more crystals or quartz or jewels of any type. even the rabbits have disappeared.
       Looking down at her necklace for the first time being able to see it she noticed that the heart had a purple Galaxy theme to it and shadows that can be made out of two shapes in the center one black this shape was shadow of two wolves running. And the other was the symbol of the deathly hallows in a light purple barely noticeable.

Ravens soul adventureWhere stories live. Discover now