Chapter 22: A Murder Mystery!

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Author's note: I'm going to say that  the next couple of chapters is kinda going to be a Episode 2 reimagining, Chapter 7 was that ep 2 reimagining but I think making Among Us based shit will make a okay ep 2 reimagining.

Uzi's POV

I wake to see everyone gone except Brett which he now has three STINGERS!

Uzi: Uh... Brett?

Brett: Yeah?

Uzi: You know you have three stingers?

Brett: Yeah?

Uzi: Why do you have three stingers?

Brett: I used to have three stingers as a Disassembly Drone but I honestly don't know why I have my three stingers back!

Uzi: I think you might be becoming a Disassembly Drone again!

Brett: Nonsense, that can't be happening.

Uzi: Believe me, it is probably going to happen.

Brett: IT WON'T!

Uzi: Okay chill-


Uzi and Brett: Okay.

Me and my boyfriend go to door 1 to see six dead bodies who looked they were gruesomely murdered.

Uzi: Holy shit!

Fred: Yep, all the WDF is dead except me and Khan.


Khan then points to the pile of dead workers and They say.

E: I was dead asleep.

V: Not me

N: I don't even like killing Workers anymore, unless they hurt the people I care about!

T: Not me, but whoever did this killed them in such a way that V couldn't kill them like that.

V: Yeah, with their heads twisted with large holes on the middle of their bodies!

K: I did not do this.

Khan: Well whoever did this must be punished and banished, and if it's one of the five of you, then you'll not be spared and killed.

V: YOU, killing us, yeah no.

E: Don't push your luck V.

V: Fine.

Brett: A murder mystery, I always wanted to solve one.

E: Same... wait Uzi, do have detective clothes that me and Brett can wear.

Uzi: Yeah I do for... some reason.

Uzi: Actually, can it be you and me because E is a Disassembly Drone while were Worker Drones, well your half Worker, half Disassembly.

Brett: Actually... That's better then me and E being detectives.

E: Wha-

Uzi: Shut it and Brett, come with me.

Brett: Okay.

time skip.

The five Disassembly Drones wait for Uzi and Brett until they finally come out of Uzi's room with detective outfits, with Uzi and Brett wearing a matching brown detective outfit with those blowing bubble horns or whatever there called.

Uzi: Interrogation?

Brett: Yeah.

Uzi: Also careful not to stab anyone with those stingers!

(DISCONTINUED) Murder drones but J never existedWhere stories live. Discover now