[1] Stories of VilleCiel: A Poet's inspiration

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Outside of Villeciel, in a lovely Cabin on the middle of a forest, a man can be seen calmly drinking hot chocolate while sitting near a campfire, the man seems to be enjoying his life when something suddenly seems to attract his attention 

"Oh, excuse me, i wasnt expecting any visitors" The man said apologetically as he looked aat... you, the one currently reading this

"You seem to be lost little reader, but dont fear, fate always brings one back to their designated place, you just gotta wait here for a few minutes" The man smiled at you as he continued drinking in peace, the man seemingly becoming more and more uncomfortable with each passing second


"Well this is awkward..." He muttered slightly while looking at he side "I thought you would have been gone by now..." The man scratched his head clearly embarrassed "ah! i know, would you like to hear a story?" he asked you and waited for a few seconds for an answer that never came "i will... take that as a yes" The man sweat dropped at your lack of response before suddenly closing his eyes to concentrate

"[7 Years]" suddenly, a big old looking book appeared on the mans lap, who didn't waste a second before passing page after page in the look for something "Ah, this one is a good one" the man prepared his throat before starting to speak

"Prepare yourself little reader, for this is the story of a Poet who wanted to be the light in the dark that he wished someone was for him in his youth, a story of a man with great ambitions that fell thanks to the greedy hand of a corrupted organization, who lured him with lies of greatness and heroness..."

"This is the story of Andronicus, The one who shined like a candle of hope on a dark void of despair..."

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

The stars shined above Andronicus as he layed on top of a building, breathing heavily as he felt more and more blood slowly ooze out of him, but even in his lasts moments, Andronicus had a smile in his face as he stared at the beuty of the world

'Mamma...' The poet thought as he felt his eyes become heavier, every second becoming more and more harder to keep them open 

'Would you be proud of what i have become...?'

Until, He failed at keeping them open

And with the stars as the only witness, Andronicus died.



"Mamma! Mamma! look at what i made!" a young voice yelled excited inside a rundown house, everything being either extremely dirty or broken "Oh? Whats this dear?" A beautiful woman said, she had pretty although dirty brown hair that reached her waist, but what stood out the most from her where her blue eyes that shined through the darkness of the place, her looks contrasting her clothes, as she was wearing what could only be described as rags "I drew us! what do you think mamma" A young male child with short brown hair and blue eyes wearing a long, extremely over sized shirt said as he showed the woman a badly made drawing in which two stickmans with brown hair could be seen holding hands while smiling

The woman smiled and looked at the child warmly before patting his head and hugging him "Its beautiful dear... Thank you" The child hugged his mom back with a small smile before jumping out of her arms "Oh oh! i almost forgot, the other day i was looking for food inside a trash can near him and i found this" The child took out a extremely destroyed scarf, so broken it couldn't even be called a scarf "Isn't it cool?!" The child said while looking at his mother for confirmation causing her to chuckle at the child's excitement "It this my dear... But dont you think its a little broken?" She asked making the child look a little dejected "O-Only a bit..." The child pouted causing his mother to laugh louder "Listen, what if you give it to me and i fix it up for you?" The women asked making the child nod repeatedly, The woman gently took the remains of the scarf an put them on a shelf to work with it later

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