Chapter i.

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   SUNLIGHT FILTERED THROUGH the curtains that separated Eleonora's room from the rest of the world

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SUNLIGHT FILTERED THROUGH the curtains that separated Eleonora's room from the rest of the world. She laid sprawled out on her satin bedsheets, still exhausted from her ballet class the day prior. Only the sweet scent of fresh pancakes gave the girl strength to get up.

Wiggling out of her sheets, Eleonora climbed out of bed. Brushing her soft curls from her face, she takes a peak in the mirror. A grimace forms on the woman's face as she takes in the dark circles forming under her eyes. Rushing toward the bathroom connected to her room, she opens her mini fridge and takes out the cold spoon, wincing at its temperature.

Pushing another loose strand from her forehead, she presses the coolness against her closed eyes. After a minute, she takes them off and sets them back inside the mini fridge. With one last look in the mirror, she smiles as her puffy eyes had returned to normal. All she needed was a touch of concealer, but that could wait.

Finally making her way downstairs, she catches a glimpse of her best friend in the kitchen. "Maia?" She speaks, her voice still hoarse from sleep.

Jumping in surprise, Maia spins around, a smile on her face. "Ella! Hey, I let myself in!"

"Yeah, I can see that." The brunette laughs, hoisting herself onto the stools at the Island counter. "You're making breakfast?"

Maia nods, moving out of the way so her friend can have a glimpse of the pan. The thick glob of sizzling batter made Eleonora's stomach grumble.

   "Plans today?" Maia asks, shoving her spatula under the now cooked side of the pancake and flipping it over.

   Watching her movements, Eleonora hums. "Just shopping for a new dress for the Gala this weekend. And then trying to find a plus one." She explains, her eyes finally shifting from the pan to the large window not far away.

   Eleonora lived in a penthouse apartment in the midst of a bustling Paris, France. She had a clear view of the Eiffel Tower, but the view quickly had gotten old throughout the years so now it was just another tall thing in the background, that was at least, until night. Then she could stare at the lights for hours.

   "I wish I could go." Maia frowns, "but I promised Lauren I would take her out tonight." At the mention of her best friend's girlfriend, she smiles.

   Eleonora absolutely adored Lauren. She'd always been a close friend throughout Eleonora's time in Paris, in fact, she'd been the one to help her find an apartment in the city.

   "Tell her I said hi! I haven't seen her in months." That of course, had been a lie. Eleonora had seen Lauren only two weeks ago, but with the girls constant traveling for her job, it felt like the time between visits had been growing longer and longer apart.

    "Will do! Why don't you bring Mikael or Carina?" Maia suggests, taking the freshly made pancake and sliding it onto a plate. "You want this?"

   Nodding eagerly, Eleonora takes the plate from her friend before reaching to grab the butter and syrup. "Carina is back home visiting the parents, and Mikael had business in New York so he can't just up and leave." She finishes, taking a bite of the delicious pancake, the sweet tasting flavors made her groan contently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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