Chapter Fifteen

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Lucien's POV.

She should have been here by now.

I stared out into the landscape of green almost brown grass of the grounds, leading to the Enchanted Forest with huge green trees then further up North were the Hilary Mountains then the Snowy Mountains.

As much as I would love to paint this scenery right now, nothing could get my mind off of my little wolf that wandered around in the middle of nowhere.

Vlad told me this morning that Kira was missing and Zade had sent his guards searching high and low, then he accused the Dark Alpha of stealing his daughter.

Word has spread and now every single pack is trying to hunt me down. Of course, if they couldn't find this place for eighteen years, they wouldn't be able to find it now nor in the near future.

My father was clever with choosing locations. Especially for his pack. My pack.

We were in plain sight but hidden. We're surrounded by the Ocean Howl Pack, the Wind Winder Pack, the Silver Moon Pack and the Ever Green Pack. And yet no one─absolutely no one─would ever find us. Let's just say we had some help with a little glamouring from the right plants and potions from the Enchanted Forest.

Anyway, Kira was missing.

She'd either run away like I expected her to or got kidnapped along the way.

The latter angered me. If anything happened to her then I'll be fucked. I need her to destroy the one man that broke me. The man who caused my downfall. And I need the King to help me. Then he needs to die as well.

And Kira─she can go back to Esra afterwards.

Now, where could my little wolf be?

"Lose something?" An annoying feminine voice floated across the room.

Clearly my half sister didn't know how to knock, let alone, inform me about her arrival.

I turned and faced her. "To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?"


"Phone calls and emails exist, you know?"

She sighed. "Typical little brother─" half brother. "─always so... typical." She fluttered her eye lashes.

My expression remained unreadable. "For a grandmother you certainly don't act like one."

Dianna was twice my age and a grandmother, but she didn't look a day over twenty five.

She bared her teeth. "Says the Dark Alpha who lost his toy."



The urge to find her built up in me, but I managed to barricade all those wild emotions swirling in my chest. I hid everything behind my unreadable expression I always liked to maintain.

"Oh, don't be surprised." She laughed. "She was running away to the human world. My wolves picked up her scent along with yours. She had you all over her, especially in her hair."

If Dianna wasn't a werewolf, she would have been a were-cat, considering the way she silently moves or her cunning ways. And the way she speaks.

It irritated the hell out of me. And she knew it too.

"Well," I smiled. "Where is she then?"

Dianna clicked her fingers which summoned her henchmen as they barged into my office, holding my little wolf hostage. Her hands were tied behind her and she was gagged.

How could they...

All I wanted to do was grab her and kill them all for harming her. But that would be a dumb move, considering that Dianna has a lot of dirt on me.

Kira's eyes were glassy but not a tear spilled. Her wrists were bruised with the wolfsbane laced chains and there were red marks on her neck.

On the other hand, her beautiful strawberry scented hair was ruined. Instead of smelling like spring, the scent travelled across the room and landed in my system which smelled like shit.

My heart skipped a beat when she parted her lips, attempting to say something, but she soon closed it and looked away from me. Disappointment crossed her face.

The minute I turned to Dianna, she tore the grin off her face and said, "Well she's your problem. Not mine. Take care, little brother." And then she walked out of my office with her three henchmen.

Something seemed off. It wasn't like Dianna to willingly hand over someone like Kira─a prisoner and weapon─which she knew was the key to literally anything she could ever wish of.

But I stupidly tossed those observations and thoughts aside as I stepped slowly towards Kira who sat on the floor, still tied and gagged.

I bent down and lifted her chin so that I could pull the dirty cloth they used to gag her out of her mouth. "Are you okay?"

She nodded.

"Voice, little wolf. Use your voice."

"Yes." She whispered.

I pulled her close to me, then regretted my decision after she grabbed my shirt and buried her face in my chest. But she didn't cry, and I adored her for that.

"Where were you?" She whispered. "Where were you?"

"I was here, waiting for you." I gently tore her off of me and looked her in her eyes.

She stared at me with such... There was no word in my dictionary to describe what I saw in those eyes. It was something passionate which was somewhat warm.

I refused to think about it any further.

"Little wolf, did they hurt you?" I asked instead.

"No. They didn't."

I turned away from her and back towards my window. I couldn't stand all that warmth coming out from her. It felt strange to give in to all that... happiness...

"Lucien." She said, but my mind was too focused on the landscape outside. "Lucien."

I deliberately ignored her because 1) I didn't want things to get personal, and 2) I... I didn't know.

"Lucien." She called again but more louder as she tugged on my arm. "What is wrong with you?" Her voice was strained, and I hated that I cared.

"What do you mean?" It came out more harsh than I anticipated, but she didn't flinch.

"Lucien, why? Why are you doing this?"

Now, I was completely lost. But I didn't show her how clueless I was because I didn't want to be the dumb one in the situation. I never was, and never will be.

So I remained silent and listened to what she said next.

"Why are you so distant?" She whispered, and I hated how it caused a slight sting to my chest.

I couldn't think of a more reasonable answer so I chose what I thought was right to say. "Because that's how I am. I'm dark, cold, ruthless and wrathful. You can't change me by just meeting me and finding out that you're my mate. You can never change me. I'm the villain and I'll always be the villain." By the time I ended my sentence I was fuming with rage.

But Kira didn't flitch.

She just stared at me.

Tied To The Alpha [EDITING] (#2 New Moon) Where stories live. Discover now