Part 1: Tall, Dark, And a Mysterious

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Slowly waking up, she noticed a man staring back at her. She smiled a bit, still half asleep.

" good morning " she mumbled. A softly chuckle came from the man, " good morning sleepy head " he said. His deep yet soothing voice drew her in as she rested her head on his chest. As his hands tangled in her hair she pulled up her phone.

" 6 miss calls from Josh", she said softly. Josh was her best friend, her friend from before she could really remember. Her mom and his mom were best friend since high school. About a year ago, her mom left the Sean. She ran off with some young kid with a motorcycle.

" who's Josh ", she was reminded about the man she was in bed with. She looked at him and shook her head " he's nobody important " she said softly then sat up. Her long black hair detangled it's self and stretched with her as she stood up. Gathering her things she started to slip her clothing back on " I don't wanna keep you any longer then I have " she said as she ordered an uber.

" wait, " he said softly sitting up " I um... I'll make you breakfast, can you stay please? " he asked softly. She scoffed and exhaled " I don't even know your name " she said softly " and you don't know mine, I don't think this should carry on " she said throwing her jacket on, he stood up quickly and slid on his boxers, " ok well my name is Price " he said softly. He had a sort of hopeful look in his eyes. She looked at him and then sighed " Dianna " she said with an amused smile " My name is Dianna ".

Watching the smile on his face grow, she giggled " ok ok, I'll tell you what, I'll leave my number on the counter, but I do have to go. I have work in about an hour and I still have to get there " she said. With a soft smile she left the hotel room.

. . .

" Is that last night's dress?", Josh said pointing it out. He handed her a coffee as she walked next to him " yeah yeah shush. No one else needs to know that this is last night's dress. " she said. He chuckled, " must have had gotten lucky huh?" He asked

" do you gotta be involved in every part of my life " she said, joking of course, that becoming apparent as he laughed a bit " well I have been like a brother to you since like.... before we were born ", he stated. she nodded as to say fair point " alright show me the stats for today, " she said sitting at her desk " we have a cake testing later today at 4, a dress shopping booked for 10 and last minute Decorations at 7 ", she rolled her eyes " I don't know why I'm in charge of dress shopping, that's not what a wedding planner is meant to do, we plan the wedding not act as the second mother " she said then sipped her coffee.  Josh laughed softly and rubbed her head before walking out, saying before leaving completely, " even if you don't want to, you still have to go, so don't be late" he said. she gave him a nod so assure him she heard him. 

. . . 

" hey let me get you some dinner, " Josh said as he popped in, " hm?" she groaned softly, " sorry, I guess I'm half asleep " she said sitting up. She rubbed her eye before Josh grabbed a sticky note that was stuck to her forehead, " Let's get you home " he exhaled, grabbing her arm and helped her up. She gathered her things and leaned against him out to his car, " thanks Josh " she smiled looking up at him a bit. A little more awake then she was, she managed to get in and buckle herself up. As Josh drove her home, they talked about things in their personal lives instead of work for a change. 

" well this is me " she said pointing to her house. He nodded " Yeah, I know ", Dianna smiled and got out. He gave her a gentle wave before driving off.  With an exhale, she turned to the front door of her house.  she started for her door when she was interrupted by a deep destressed voice. It called out to her " Dianna, wait " it said. Dianna turned around to see the man from this morning but this time he was covered in what she assumed was his own blood, " oh my god, Price " she said softly looking around " what happened?" rushing to help helping him up, " let's go inside " she said. 

She started with him to the door when he stopped just before " I can't " he said softly. She looked at him " what? I need to look at your wounds!" she said tying to bring him in once again, yet he refused " I... I have to be invited in " he said looking into her eyes, " well then i invite you in " she said not thinking about why he needed to be invited in due to her rush to help get him cleaned up. Once he was finally lead inside, she lead him to her couch and helped pull off his shirt so she could get a better look at what was bleeding. 

" what happened? " she said softly. Things had died down a bit since he first came over. He looked at her softly and smiled a bit, " It's a really long story " he replied taking a strand of her hair in his fingers. She looked at him " Clearly something did. Your covered in blood and I'm stitching up your cuts " she said softly. He sighed " alright. I guess you deserve an expiation, " he stated " I am a vampire and there are people after me.. except their not humans.. their night shifters. "

She looked at him and raised an eyebrow " so like... a werewolf?"  she asked softly.  Price looked at her then exhaled with a nod " yeah " he said softly. she looked at him a second longer then snorted, " they don't exist, neither do vampires " she said as she stood up and put her supplies away in  a cabinet. Price stood up and sighed " But they do, We do I mean " he said softly. She looked at him, " no they don't ", she backed away as he walked up to her. " I can prove that we do watch ", he started. 

" Your crazy " she said appalled as she started for the door " you should go, Price " she said opening the door.  Next thing she knew the door was slammed shut from an out of worldly force " keep the door closed.. their here " he said quietly. She groaned " what do you mean?" she asked almost in a yell. then he pulled her close and then behind him as a sudden yellow glow flashed from his eyes and two top fangs pushed their way to view. She gasped " you weren't joking, you really are... " 

Suddenly a loud crash flooded her senses, her house filled with dust and the moon light. a loud ringing rang in her ears as she stood and watched who she assumed was Price fighting another figure. Confused and distraught she watched as the two fought with speed and precision. 

" Price, " she yelled out. Price was thrown outside onto the street before the second figure looked her way. All she could make out was the bright glowing read eyes. As the figure charged she gasped. Paralyzed by her fear she found herself standing there with out the ability to move. 

everything she had thought was part of fairy tails, stared her in the face. The figure stopped inches from her face. Seeing a soft since of honest in the beats eyes, them softening for a slight second before going back to the hate they had before held. 

" w-who are you.." She whispered softly.

" Dianna!" Price yelled. He had gotten up and ran to her side. He slid his hand around her waist as he looked the beast in his eyes " go to hell " he said softly before disappearing with Dianna in his arms.  

With a blink of the an eye she was in a new setting. A dark room with almost a Victorian style feel to it. A bed with a canapé, a mirror with gothic flowering details around it and a dresser with black wood. With a look at Price, everything that had happened flooded into her emotions. Tears started to flow down her cheeks in a steady flow. " Who ..What happened " she sobbed as she shoved herself into Price. 

Price held her close as he sighed " That was a werewolf " he said softly, " one of the stronger ones in fact " he said looking at her " your not safe, not if your not with me " he said softly cupping her cheeks and drying her tears with his thumbs. With a simple nod she exhaled softly " then I'll stick by you " she said. Price nodded softly and looked her in her eyes before gently placing a soft and tender kiss on her lips. She inhaled softly and returned the kiss. Once Price pulled away she looked down at her shirt and before she could think, she pulled it off. His eyes glowed with desire. With out hesitation, Price went for her neck. She inhaled softly with a soft gasp out. She wont denie . . . He is tall, Dark, and Mysterious 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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