🧡: "Case's Crush"

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(A/N: YAY IM SWITCHING POVS NOW, you are watching caseoh's life now /insert disney channel goofy wand ahh pattern thing idk)

CaseOh's POV

Arkansas, Goobertown

As Y/N replied to my message, and turned offline, I sit on my gaming chair that is slowly breaking of how often I sit on it. I sigh in relief that they're okay with the rumors.

I place my phone on my desktop table,
wearing the headphones, it playing my favorite song. I just sit there and stare at my pc's screen, zoned out.

(A/N: Ngl this is the longest that case hasnt eaten yet sorry for the inaccurate storyline LMAO)

You think to yourself silently:

Why do I think of Y/N lately?
Earlier I asked them for advices on what to do when you like somebody.
But it would be obvious if I give them gifts.
Oh! What about I ask them to hang out more?
That seems great.

I laugh to myself and gets a hold of my phone, staring at Y/N's discord profile picture.
That smile of yours in your profile picture is melting me.
Gosh! Case, what are you doing?!
I mutter to myself.

Why do I keep overthinking about them?
I feel like a first grader crushing on someone.
No, I'm not.
But I swear I'm not.
Maybe... its just a maybe though.

I take my phone, open discord once again and text Y/N.
"Wanna hang out tmr? Its the weekend afterall"


But where do we hang out? I say to myself, glancing at my table dirty with chip dust and breadcrumbs.
Ugh. Pretty disgusting.

Meowwww. My cat nuzzled its head to my leg, purring softly.

"Kitty!" I grab her and place her on my humungous lap, petting her head gently.

"Kitty, I'll clean my trailer. Tommorow we have a guest, so you behave okay?" I say, while Kitty meows obediently.

I stand up, the ground shaking as soon as I do. I take Kitty and place her to the floor and start off by cleaning my table, dusting it, but in a few seconds I was already tired. (ofc)

Arkansas, Goobertown

Finally, I finished cleaning the whole trailer. Mopped the whole place, threw out all the empty chip bags, made my bed and cleaned the kitchen's dirty counter... and many more.

I open my fridge and grabs a 'light snack', 10 strawberry cheesecakes that my dad bought me yesterday. I ate it with no mercy, it dissapearing after a few seconds as I bite onto it.

After I eat, I head to my bedroom and lay down on my biggest bed in the entire universe. Tucking myself in, the 10xl blanket my fans sent in through my fan mail. (Too small btw)

I couldn't stop but think of the event possibilities tommorow.

Will Case finally confess the feelings he feels to Y/N?

I close my eyes and slowly washes off my overthinking away, sleeping peacefully.

[503 words]

"One Heavy Picture." Caseoh X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now