iv. oh, he's dead? alright.

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"Where are we?" Suigetsu asks as he looks at the bunker standing under a large tree.

You order U.W.A.K. to build a safe house for you to have a place to tinker all your gadgets. Inside the bunker has a complete set of water, emergency kit, and food that can last you for two weeks. Located at the corner of the room is your teleportation device used to go back into your world. You also place an illusion device to make your safe house invisible to the outsiders. All they can see are trees.

You made your Artificial Intelligence create a metal-made bunker and no one can enter the premises unless it's you.

"Safe house," you answer as you stand in front of the door.

"U.W.A.K., open Safe Haven #1. User: [Name] [Last Name]. Password: hell is empty, the devil is here."

The whirring sound of the door open rings around the quiet forest.

You walk through the door and doff your lab coat. You yawn and clap your hands once. A puppy comes running to you and you envelope it in your arms.

He snuggles into the crook of your arms before placing him down. You press the button on his choker and left him to transform into his human form.

"Wait, wait, wait! What is that?!" Suigetsu exclaims.

You do not acknowledge him and pick up a jar of gummies. You put in on the table located at the center of the room.

Juugo slowly trudges to where you are. "Gummies?"

You let out a hum. "You're tired from war, right? Eat two gummies and you'll have your energy back in no time."

He is still skeptical of you and that's a good attitude. Be wary of anything. Nothing comes out of being too trusting.

The blue-haired swordsman seems to recover from his shock runs to your place. "I'll try! I'm a little bit sluggish and sleepy so let's see..."

He gets two gummies and puts it in his mouth. He slowly chews it and you can see his eyes widening before swallowing it whole.

You wait for a few minutes before he jumps in excitement. "Oh!"

"It's strawberry flavored. Yummy?"

He nods and you put your hands on his head. You give him a pat and a smile. "Good boy."

You turn your back to them and proceed to the corner where your creation is located. You start turning it on and inputting codes on the gadget.

You hear footsteps behind you. "Yes, Sasuke?"

"I feel like we haven't talked for so long."

You shrug as you continue assemble your gadgets. "Tell me what you want."

He leans against the table and crosses his arms. "I want to know everything."

You turn your head to him and give him your answer. "Don't worry, I don't have any reason to lie."

He stares at you for a moment. "How do you know me?"

"Not really you, per se, but if you're asking the real you—as Uchiha Sasuke in this universe—I know you through the files my assistant has collected."

"And you have an Uchiha Sasuke in your world?"

You pause for a second before continue encoding the codes for your next travel. "Yes, I had an Uchiha Sasuke in my world."

He tilts his head. "Had? What happened to him?"

You don't give him an immediate answer and he doesn't pressure you to say at first. You haven't noticed that your hands stop typing on your laptop.

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