Suki: It's Okay to Cry pt.1

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Word Count: 2440
Finished: June 19, 2024

Glass shards, scattered everywhere, lurking deviously beneath piles of strewn about clothes that littered the floor. Multiple picture frames had been knocked out of place, some even shattering, adding to the glass hellscape on the floor. The fairy lights that once strung around the shared bedroom were torn off the walls, one end bunched up in a knotted ball, the other dangling tauntingly beside Sukchan's bed, as if threatening to string right around his neck and hang him there on the spot in the middle of the room.

Hanseok's side had been eerily stripped empty in a matter of 24 hours. The older had left to catch a flight back to the US many hours ago, yet Suki found himself still stuck in the same slumped rag doll position Hanseok left them in, aimlessly facing the vacant half of the room. It was nearly 3 in the morning and the new leader hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. The realization that Hanseok was really gone occupied too much of his subconscious.

"You and your high and mighty leader privilege. You don't have time for anything! I've become dead weight to you!"

Hanseok's words echoed through the empty chamber in Suki's skull. The intense argument they'd just had still felt as real as a fever dream. There was no way Hanseok said those things, that being a K-pop idol wasn't his dream, that he felt like his and Suki's relationship as both colleagues and friends had deteriorated ever since Suki was given the position as leader of KRT. And there was no way Suki could ever have brought themself to yell back at Hanseok just as ferociously, calling him selfish, lazy, a traitor to the group. There was no way Hanseok left that quickly, packing up all of his things and catching a flight to his home country that same night. None of it should have happened. Yet here Park Sukchan was, all alone in the room they both tore apart after sharing for years.

Not daring to lift a finger from the uncomfortable position they sat in, Sukchan eventually fell victim to his own exhaustion. No tears fell from his eyes that night. No words were spoken of that night in the months following. Suki had to be K.Chan, the leader of a group who now had to scramble to repair the damage of losing a crucial member. There simply was no time to cry. As far as things went, that night never happened. Because after all, it shouldn't have happened in the first place.


"God, I suck at this. Are you sure I was chosen to replace Hanseok for my 'talent'? Or did you just feel bad for me?" Alex pouted on the sweaty dance floor of the practice room, after yet another unsuccessful attempt at a spin their choreographer had put in for the group's next title performance.

"Alex, you ARE talented. You hear me? Look, maybe you're not the sharpest dancer in the world, but you are UNIQUELY valuable to us. You wanna know why?" Suki crouched down and grabbed ahold of both Alex's shoulders, looking the Aussie dead in the eye.

"What, comic relief?" Alex snarked back.

Suki sighed. "No, it's because not every group has an Alex Seongjin Choi—"

"Ugh!" Alex rolled his eyes and pushed Suki away, forcing himself up on his feet like a limp puppet on strings. "Cut the bullshit, mate! The fuck you mean, 'not every group has Alex Choi'? I know you're lying and making things up just to try to make me feel better. Well guess what?! I'm not five, that stupid participation award of a pep talk isn't gonna help—"

"You didn't let me finish!" Suki's voice boomed throughout the room, which was enough to get Alex to shut up for a moment. "What I mean is, not every group in this generation has a producer, a songwriter, and a mezzo tenor all in one. Hell, I bet they don't even write their own music! Our debut was possible because of YOU. You may not have been in the group yet, but it was YOUR songs that went on that album and YOUR music that got us that first win on Music Bank. We chose you because you already felt like a part of the group anyway!"

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