His Return - Chapter 1

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The Return of Madness

By: Blez Lorraine

I was speechless for a moment, yet he's still glaring at me. His presence, in return, terrified me. This feeling came back after 2 years; it feels heavy. I can't even breathe. How did he find me all the way here in Miyazaki? He's so insane. Is that how obsessed he is with me to the point he got here!? Oh, how I regret entertaining him before, yet I was too innocent and blind to his red flags. It left me wondering what would happen if I didn't entertain him. Perhaps I would have a better life without a creepy freak who stalks in the shadows. However, it also goes somewhere; I won't have friends who would put themselves in danger to keep me safe from Scara. I was a total loner until I met them. I thought I would no longer survive with Scara without them.

Don't you miss me, Y/N? ❞ He said it with a sadistic tone. How creepy he is! My urge was to run away from him, but it was too dark along the hallway; I might even trip while running. My eyes wander around the area, thinking of ways to escape this total bastard. ❝ I know what you're thinking; don't you dare try to escape from me. ❞ He threatened me. I stared at him once again. I was sweating a lot due to anxiety. I look at his features, seeing how his appearance changes as well. I could feel my body freeze while staring at him; his appearance really changed; his mullet is now longer; and he had tired eyes with dark circles on them. But speaking of his behavior, he's still a fucking obsessive bastard. I could feel my heart racing as I desperately searched for an exit strategy. His words echoed in my mind, sending chills down my spine. Despite his changing appearance, his controlling nature remained the same, filling me with fear and dread. I then decided to speak. ❝ How the hell did you manage to find me here!? ❞ I yelled at him as if I wanted him to be gone forever in my life. ❝ I searched for you over two years after you left me. Now that I have found you living your own peaceful life, I have come to accompany you again. ❞ He sounds convincing, but he can't even convince me with his old little tricks that show manipulation.

My disappointment got over me, and I stopped being anxious. He stepped closer to me, and I was about to prepare myself, but not until he pulled out a knife and placed it on my neck. I froze in fear, realizing that he had not come back to make amends but to harm me. His eyes held a darkness that I had never seen before, and I knew I was in real danger. As the knife pressed against my skin, I braced myself for whatever was to come next. This was the second time he threatened me with his knife. ❝ Don't you ever leave me again, or else I'll cut your throat and watch you bleed until you die, so you will stay with me forever. ❞ he threatened me again. He really likes to do things like these to get what he wants. Yet I have no choice but to deal with him again because I don't want to die. ❝ Trying to threaten me? Fuck those threats from you; I'm sick of them. ❞ I tried my best to be strong and stand up for myself. Despite my fear, I knew I had to find a way to escape this toxic situation before it escalated further. I needed to muster the courage to break free from his control and protect myself from harm. But then he slapped me and looked at me with those glaring, dead eyes that appeared to be capable of killing me. ❝ How dare you talk to me in such a manner? You really believed you could defeat me? It is a disgrace to you. Don't ever talk to me like that again; I can murder you whenever I want to. ❞ He threatened again and again, like always.

If you really love me, you wouldn't threaten me like this! ❞ I said, wishing he would understand me. But his anger only seemed to escalate, and I realized that his love was nothing but a facade for his need for control and power. It was a painful realization, but one that I knew I had to confront in order to protect myself. ❝ This attitude of yours seems like that of a murderer, no? But that's what you are! A fucking murderer. If you really loved me, you wouldn't have to threaten me in order for me to reciprocate your feelings. ❞ I yelled at him, and at some point, tears started to form in my eyes. My eyes glanced at him again; it seemed like he softened his expression. He slowly released me from his grasp, and I calmed myself down after that. He slightly looked down on the floor and felt ashamed. I took a deep breath and continued, ❝ I can't be with someone who makes me feel unsafe. It's time for you to leave. ❞ His eyes met mine, filled with regret and realization. With a heavy heart, I knew it was time to let go for my own well-being. After turning around to go to the library to calm down, I heard his obnoxious footsteps approaching. I spun around to look behind me and saw him hurriedly approaching and pushing me into the ground. My head struck the floor, making me feel lightheaded. The moment I felt a sharp ache in my skull, I flinched. I slowly opened my eyes to discover Scara standing on top of me. ❝ I won't accept or agree to your decision. You're fucking mine, all alone. I'm not going to waste my time coming here and taking nonsense from you, hah. ❞ He said, with an arrogant smirk, that his eyes were wide and dark. He then sits on top of me in my abdomen area and positions the knife near me. When I saw the knife ready to cut me, I realized I would never be able to live in peace. I'm slowly accepting that I'm going to die today. I look at him while he attempts to kill me, my eyes somewhat wide with tears from the brink. He was shaking as if he were suppressing an impulse; he was frightened of losing me at some point. He raised his arms after a few seconds, still holding the knife. The knife was pointed directly at me and shone right in front of my eyes. Scara's eyes remained strangely black. He then shoved the knife into me.

To be continued...

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