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(in his life along the way- don't you run and hide from the truth)

It was all you could do to keep the tears at bay as you tore through the brush. You could hear your insistent pursuer keeping a lengthy but consistent distance. You weren't fully aware of who it was, or why you were being chased. You had no clue what they wanted from you, nor if you could give it. The sounds of crushing leaves and breaking sticks underfoot only made it harder to keep the hot tears from spilling, adding onto the sensory overload of your frenzied, adrenaline-fuelled self. You could only let the terror propel you on and on.


You met him on a bright and sunny day, an equivalent of his character. Rather, what you first perceived his character to be.

Brian was a tough nut to crack, all smiles and friendly, but the real depth was shallow. He held no emotion behind those smiles and was very cynical. He had no true interest in 'getting to know' his current partner on a project. He couldn't care less if someone didn't like his words. You could never guess what he was feeling. He would never be honest, and he refused to open up.

All you needed to do was complete a research presentation with him. The day it was assigned, he approached you with a polite smile and prepared to work. He was very easy to work with, and what you didn't understand about your portion, he would explain to you. Your professor was very pleased with you two's work, and plenty happy with your more than satisfactory presentation.

The two months' time given was both amazing and hard. Hard because, throughout it, you had grown to gain a massive crush, and tried your damnedest to get to know him despite him pushing you away. Amazing because he eventually gave in and allowed small answers about what he liked, and what he did during his free time. Supposedly, he was a film student minouring in psychology. He enjoyed nonfiction, and you would often find him reading articles online. You could have sworn he had even come to see you as a friend, too.

You two met up for drinks or a bite twice a week outside of schoolwork and conversed over random theories or subjects. He would on many occasions walk you home if it was getting late, and many times you two had fallen asleep while over at the other's studying or working on the project. He even treated you with grave concern when you got those bad headaches, which you didn't quite get. Sure, you thought you heard static during them, but that was just your imagination, right? After those, he would grow a touch distant, but he usually came back around.

At some point, you weren't sure when it slipped into something heftier than just a crush, and you found yourself completely entranced by every little detail about him. The soft rumble of his voice, the honey tones in his hair, the crooked twist of lips he gave when he was genuinely smiling, that cute noticeable gap in his teeth, the soft woody scent he had clinging to him. Brian Thomas seemed like a ray of sunshine, and you couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to be loved by him.

You might be lying to yourself about this, but you swore you could see him watching you from the corner of your eye on many occasions. You couldn't help the flutter in your chest at what it might mean when you met eyes and he held your gaze for just a moment longer than necessary. You didn't dare let yourself hope that there was something more than a coincidence when you constantly brushed your fingers against each other when handing something to the other.

However, when your project ended, Brian tried completely disappearing. The only problem was, you now knew his favourite places he liked haunting, and both of you had learned each other's schedules to work around. The unexpected part was how cold he suddenly was.

Your cheerful trot down to the courtyard gazebo was halted by an icy stare from Brian. You froze with a confused smile, unsettled by the chill going down your spine. Uncomfortable with this sudden negative attention you had never felt from him, you managed to squeak out, "Hi. Want to grab a coffee later?"

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