86~ A Painful Moans

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Kalp's POV

I heard him out, and I must admit that he did enough investigation into my childhood to know things no one else knew, yet he still lacks a big portion of understanding.

Yes, he is right in every sense with each word he uttered; I was always a hyena in a crowd of lions. So what? Does it make me regret my actions? Never.

I have always led him, backstabbed him, and manipulated his mind according to my will. But now I can see the rising threat before me, but his words that he won't backstab me have ceased my hand.

I don't trust anyone—not myself, nor him—but I trust my inhumanity, the only weapon that has guarded me for years and taught me to survive.

I glanced at my bloodied hands, feeling betrayed by her. She neglected to bring our baby into this world without my permission. Did she think I wouldn't know?

I had counted her breaths for my entire life, so how could she think she would be able to hide such a thing from me?

I thought she had learned to live with me, but she always proves me wrong.

It hurts so fucking much. I do feel pain, but why doesn't she understand, just like others never did?

Her every action and word drives me mad, but the worst part is that I've become habitual to her. Her bitter words and melodious voice are like oxygen to me.

In this whole world, she is the only one with whom I feel safe, even if her eyes stare at me with disgust or extreme hate. Her warm arms, deep core, and soft breasts are my safest comfort zone.

I have feared people all my life, whether blood-related or not, loved ones or hated. I have always found the whole world against me, as if they would eat me alive if I blinked.

No one can understand the pain of seeing familiar people walking before you, ready to cut you into pieces if you even whispered, but I do.

The pain of your brain continuously reminding you to kill a person before you whom you loved or he will kill you is something more brutal than anyone could imagine.

Maybe the reason I fear to love her, if tommorow I saw her threat for me, I will end up killing her, and I agree or not that would be end of me.

I have lived with this strange fear my entire life and still struggle to hide that cowardly side of my soul behind the steel facade I've created.

I just tried to save myself from those cannibals. Is it wrong to protect yourself from creatures thirsty for your blood?

I was told that if I didn't learn to kill, I would be killed. This world is a race of thirst; each animal depends on another, and humans are no different. But powerful humans always feed on the flesh of the weak, and I never wished to show someone my weakness and let them thrive on my crushed soul.

Who is Kalp Trivedi? What is his existence? Why did he live his whole life away from the outer world, surrounded by only a few people whom he barely trusts and wouldn't hesitate to kill if needed?


Absolutely NOT. For FEAR. The Perfect Answer, for their Imperfect question.

First, it was the FEAR of being the dust on someone's shoe; now it's replaced with THE FEAR of losing her.

Do I fear Ardhansh Singhaniya? Absolutely not, not when I had nothing to lose. But now I have her, and that's my deadliest fear.

If anyone ever found out about the real Kalp Trivedi, KT would be nothing. This cruel world wouldn't let me live, and how would she survive without me? But she never understands, WHY?

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