darken sky part two

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As the titans got closer to their meal, the survey corps got closer to each other, trying as hard as they could to get away from the beasts who were pushing them in. They couldn't hear anything anymore due to their loud hearts, beating in their ears.

One captain, face emotionless, kept his dull blue eyes ahead, blocking out the sounds of the titans's stomps on the ground. He knew they weren't gonna make it to their destination, he doesn't even know where it is. He still hoped for a miracle though, which he rarely believed in.

And as he blinked, on the corners of his eyes, he saw their miracle.

The sun bright on her light brown hair, she raced towards him with her troops close behind her. Dirt flew in the air around them as their horses pedaled their ways to the titans. She used her maneuver gear, flying above their heads as they just stared, her skin shining along the sun's rays.

She flew on the titan's shoulder, not hesitating to end the monstrosity. She sliced her blades deep into its neck and flew off before it hit the ground.

One by one, the beasts fell as the survey corps stared in shock at their heroes, who landed on their feets.

The survey corps slowed down as the team walked towards the sweaty, what they considered, "cowards."

"Thank you so mu-" A cadet started to say but one of the strangers interrupted her by grabbing her arm and pulling her to the ground. He then proceeded to handcuffs them along with the other strangers with him.

The girl tried to grab the captain but he pulled out his blade and cut her on the right cheek before jumping off his horse and getting attacked by two of her strongest troops.

Despite his height compared to the two, he flipped one of them to the ground and kicked the other in the stomach. Before he could attack the rest, someone ran up behind him and injected a medicine on his neck, making him quickly fall into deep sleep.

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