31. terrified

426 6 2

chapter 31 

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Alex slams his fist down onto the desk making Vivian jump " what the fuck do you mean you cant do anything?!" he seethes looking at the officer " he is stalking her and is clearly making a threat!" 

"sir we don't have anything else but this.. we cant do anything but keep a hold of this" 

" we don't feel safe in our own house cause he has been there. watching her!" 

"i understand your frustrations sir... I'm so sorry we cant do anything... i would try moving... staying elsewhere... " the officer says 

Alex pinches the bridge of his nose " you call us when anything happens, right away. " the man says 

"okay" Alex says as he stands up " come on love..." he holds his hand out for her. she takes it and he helps her up " call us please" the officer hands him a card, standing up " I know its frustrating right now but we will catch him" 

Alex takes the card and nods, giving him a slight smile " thank you" Vivian tells the officer  

he gives her a small smile as they walk out of the police station " I'm going to find us a home to stay love... we could talk to my parents and stay there for a few days while i figure out what to do with the house and finding one for us.." 

he pulls her into a hug " we got this baby..." his arm reaches down and rubs her bump "ill keep you safe" he kisses her softly "now, lets get the hell outta here" they hold hands as they walk to the car. 

" what do you want to eat?" he asks as he opens up the car door for her

she gets in the passenger seat and thinks about what she wants to eat.

he gets in the driver " i want a fat cheeseburger with lots of pickles.. like lots of them" 

"you and those cheeseburgers" he chuckles as he starts the car. he reaches over and rests his hand on her thigh, rubbing circles on her inner thigh 

she looks at him and smiles softly "but anything for my babies" he says as he lets go of her leg to put the car in reverse, backing out of the parking stall 

. . . . . . .

he pulls into a parks parking lot after deciding they were going to eat outside since it was a beautiful day 

he gets out of the car and helps Vivian out. he grabs a blanket, which was in the back of the car. he grabs the bag of food and carries it to a spot on the ground, under the shade 

he lays the blanket down and helps her sit " here baby" he murmurs as they both sit, handing her the food she wanted 

they sit down on the ground, on the blanket. 

she starts eating her sandwich as he wraps his arms around her " i love you" he says pulling her into a kiss 

she smiles against his lips "i love you even more" 

he chuckles "that's not possible "  

"oh but it is" she laughs against his lips as his fingers move against her waist, tickling her slightly 

"no it isn't... I'll take you home and show you that it isn't possible" 

she blushes and pushes his shoulder "shush " 

he smirks at her flustered face "though you wouldn't mind that now, would you?" 

she turns away, red in the face and continues eating her sandwich

. . . . . . . . .

 "I've got to use the restroom " she murmurs to him as Alex puts the stuff in the back of the car " ill rush home baby" 

"Baby on bladder i won't last another 10 minutes. I'll just use the ones over there... I'll be right back" 

he looks at her unsure. he didn't want to seem overbearing "alright, but ill be going with you. ill wait right outside " she nods, and he takes her hand as he locks the car making it beep a couple times 

they walk to the public restroom. she steps in one of the stalls and puts a bunch of toilet paper on the seat. she cringes as she slowly sits down 

she didn't like using public bathroom's. they are rarely clean 

she hurries and quickly wipes. she throws the toilet paper in the toilet and flushes it all praying it didn't clog up 

she sighs in relief as it didn't clog

she steps out of the bathroom and suddenly gets pushed back in the stall. she goes to scream but someone covers her mouth 

"keep your eyes closed" the manly voice says in her ear " you open them ill stab you right in the stomach" he says breathing hard " would want that now would we....Vivian?" 

she whimpers into his hand as tears fall from her eyes 

he laughs quietly " shh now don't cry my love... i wouldn't hurt you" he says whispers in her ear as laughs again 

he opens his mouth and slides his tongue up her face licking her tears " mhm... tasty" he murmurs against her face 

she starts sobbing in his hand "don't worry sweet thing.. we'll be together soon" he moves his hand away from her mouth and kisses her hard on the lips 

he holds her face " later babe" he rushes out of the bathroom, the other door. the back door that she didnt know about

Alex didn't know about 

she slides down the stall wall and sobs, letting loud sobs as her body shakes in fear 

the door opens again, this time its Alex 

"Vivian?!" he says rushing to her. he pulls her into his arms " hey... hey... what's wrong?"  he asks her softly, in a worryingly voice 

"is it the baby?" he asks very concerned 

she shakes her head " h-h-he was here" she sobs as she clutches onto him tightly 

"w-what how?" he stutters as he looks around and spots the other door, the back door 

he curses " son of a bitch!" he snaps as he picks her up, bridal style. he rushes out of the restroom and carries her sobbing body to the car. he sets her in the passenger seat as he pulls out his phone calling the detective they just saw earlier 

. . . . . 

they don't know what's happening but this dude, her stalker is getting bolder... its terrifying

Alex knows they have to move... 

but to where? he will follow them obviously... shown he won't let her go...

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comment and vote! till next time my loves 

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