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Leah's PoV~

Miley is a new comer to England camp let's just say shes cocky for one and trust me as a captain I hate that. I need to keep this team in order I don't even like falling in love with a teammate it's one happened once though with Jordan and never again trust me shes not the best I've had. Even though I loved her never again jeez. Back to Miley she's half Spanish a masc lesbian I'm guessing by the amount of girls shes slept with I mean I don't blame them she has amazing abs and brilliant muscles but I don't like that because that's exactly my type. I'm was only out to a few people until I dated Jordan then I came out to the world. Anyway back to Miley again I already know she will be in my room because shes new and the new people always go with the captain to let's just say fit in the team. I also have the biggest room because I'm the captain I'm not bragging but I love being captain. Miley is a very talented girl but let's her anger in the way and jeez it's hot until you have her shouting in your face. My mum loves Miley though I don't know why every time Miley is playing my mums watching the game. And even though Miley has shouted in my face and nearly broke my ankle multiple times. She was very exited to hear Miley will be joining England. She has Miley's shirt with a signature on her wall in the living room. That was our first ever encounter without talking to each other in game time.

Back 5 months

No one's PoV

'Hi Miley' Leah says with a half smile on her face. 'What the fuck do you want Blondie' Miley replies angry because Chelsea (Miley's team) had just lost the game. 'Ok ok jeez calm the fuck down I erm maybe want your shirt and if you can sign it for my mum' Leah says knowing her mum is forcing her to do this. 'Fucking hell even your mum likes me I mean who doesn't' Miley starts taking her t shirt of slowly giving Leah a view of her abs toned in all the right places. Leah starts going red trying to not make Miley notice then Miley grabs the sharpie out of Leah's hand signing her shirt and giving it to Leah with a little wink before leaving to go to the changing rooms.

Back to today

Leah's PoV~

I mean she gave me a wink at-least? That's the only time we've ever talked out of game time but jeez it was embarrassing but whatever I did it for my mum but Miley is so- No Leah keep this professional no falling for your teammates especially ones your sharing a room with for the next 1 and a half months.

Miley's Pov~

I get to the back of the bus with my mates Mary and Alessia and of course Toney we're laughing our heads of until my eyes catch another pair of blue eyes. Ohhh yeah that Blondie the one I have my t Shirt too wait was she the one that blushed when I took it of-. Jeez she's got way more let's just say fitter I never say pretty never have never will. Back to I think it's Williamson joking I know it's Williamson I watch her every match not in a weird way I just erm yeah like erm I just like the way she plays. I've never fallen in love and never will I just sleep with girl yes I'm a whore I sleep with girls and leave then. It's to let of anger ok I know I'm only like 20 but wait there's no buts... Oh well. I'm hot and I know it I use that as an advantage I can get in every girls head and yes I'm rude to everyone but my mates so what? There's nothing wrong with it.

Leah's PoV~

I hear Miley's laugh and catch her eyes I already know I'm going red so I turn around to see a figure there. Oh fuck off. It's Jordan. 'I know you still want me wanna date again'. Oh fuck no. 'No tf?' i say with a-bit of anger In my throat. 'But why-.' Is she dumb? 'Cause loving you is loving every argument you've held against my head brought up the girls you could of had instead said I was to young I was to soft'. I reply damn I ate that up. 'Oh fuck off I say yes so it's a yes' Then I feel weight on my legs and she's staring at me what's that gonna change.

Miley's PoV~

Everyone knows Leah and Jordan broke up so why are they talking it's not like I care or anything I'm just wondering. 'Cause loving you is loving every argument you've held against my head brought up the girls you could of had instead said I was to young I was to soft'. I hear Leah say because I'm listening into there conversation. I then See Jordan sit on Leah's lap. Oh for fuck sake why would she do that. I get up and walk to them I can't believe I'm sticking up for Blondie. I get Jordan up 'Are you fucking dumb she said no you dickhead jog on she doesn't want you anymore' I say raising my voice obviously protecting Leah but I don't care that everyone's watching I want Leah to be erm ok I guess.

Leah's PoV~

I feel weight lifted of my legs finally she's decided to get up after I've tried to push her off millions of times until I hear a familiar voice. It might be like Lucy or something telling Jordan too go back to her to chill. No that's not Lucy's voice.  'Are you fucking dumb she said no you dickhead jog on she doesn't want you anymore.' I hear well whoever that's is there protecting me wait is that Miley's voice. I look up to be paired with her eyes. Why would she protect me I though she hated me? I look at her confused and she looks back holding eye contact I feel something in my stomach fuck butterflies. Go away go away. I feel my cheeks heat up. I try to ignore it but Miley man she's so ugh. 'Spear seat?' She says still holding eye contact. 'Yeah why?' I reply already knowing why. 'I wanna sit down next to you to make sure it doesn't happen again div' she says with a smirk on her face. 'All yours' I say trying to remain calm. 'Doesn't mean I don't still hate you though' well that's good ig because it's fun being hated by Miley.

*this is how Leah was looking at Miley*

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*this is how Leah was looking at Miley*

Guys 1175 words wtf also sorry if the updates are slow I've got a lot of stories I'm working on rn

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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The new comer enemies to lovers~ Leah Williamson Where stories live. Discover now