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Returner User Manual Chapter 1140

Grave of the Fallen King (6)

thud! thud! thud!

As the torch, which had not been lit for a long time, lit up the tomb of the fallen king, the undead raising their spears toward the descendants of Rohen came into view.

The sight of the undead being illuminated by the burning blue light from all over the wall felt a little strange, but the glow coming from their eyes seemed to be respectful rather than hostile.

Although they may not be like Bahamut, who has been waiting for the Priest of Prophecy for eons, it is an undeniable fact that they have also been waiting for a long time.

As if representing the long wait, politeness was evident in every aspect of the king's servants.

-Rohen's descendants... .

"... ... ."

-Open a path for Rohen's descendants... Open it

"... ... ."

-Rohen's descendants have come to visit.

Even the sight of named monsters coming out to greet us is spectacular.

The undead dressed as wizards are commonly known as State Wizard Chainburning. The fallen queen, Ferrell Desire, loved the fallen king so much that she wanted to be buried with him.

In addition, the main named monsters in the dungeon were also lined up for Rohen's descendants.

"this... What is happening? Vice party leader... ."

"We are in the process of conquering a dungeon."

"that... I didn't ask that. Kiyoung Lee. Although I haven't been active for a long time... Something like this, something like this... I've never heard of it. How is this possible? What the hell is this... ."

'I agree. Where else can you see something like this?'

Surprisingly, I also found dungeon logs and adventure logs in Rohen.

How surprised I was when I realized that these barbarians also do this thing called recording.

Of course, the situation is a little different from ours.

Contrary to the fact that they institutionally created a record room and publicly displayed all adventure logs except for a few to encourage many adventurers to read them, these guys did not attach much meaning to adventure logs.

Not only are there not a lot of diaries released on the market, but the recording method is also at an uncivilized level, what more needs to be said?

With the situation being like this, there was no way there would be any development, and it was no wonder that the Rohen guys misunderstood the dungeon.

"Dungeons are not hunting grounds."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"That's literally it. It is not a place where you clear a path while hunting base monsters, face named entities, and hunt dungeon boss monsters."

Even Namgoong Chaeryeong duo and old man Raymon Bolt are fixating their eyes on this. Woo Hyo-yeol was also following the undead, pretending not to be interested, but I guess his ears were pricked up.

"Usually dungeons are created in places with a narrative. Things like the history of the Rohen Continent, mythology, stories of previous civilizations, and legends passed down by word of mouth. Of course, this also applies to the tomb of the fallen king. The story of the fallen king of the golden civilization was a real history in Rohen."

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