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The Melee City: A place where the light brings it to life not only in beautiful modern buildings that give a beautiful and colorful aura to the nights of the city, but also for the talent of its inhabitants, who make their oddities shine through their talent to grow thanks to the extensive opportunities you can find! This is called the most diverse city in the country, where it is more common for various races to inhabit peacefully, helping to leave behind the ancient conflict between them little by little since the near extinction of humans and the rise of new beings as the new humans.

Welp, here we are on the main street of the bright city. Up above, you can see the lights and the amazing big buildings, some more distinguished than others. What a nice view for a photo. But down below, you see residents and tourists walking through the very clean roads, each of these beings having their business, dreams, and occupations. Any race here! Demons, angels, elves, beasts, and more walking normally, except for one little one.

There is a short creature that stands out from the other eye-catching beings walking around. This little one has no shine yet. It's like a shadow wanting to reach something, hidden but wanting to get out and show what they can do! Step by step with her naked feet hugging the ground, that being the only thing you can see because she's wearing a really large hood covering her face, which hides a smile of dreams and hopes in the shine of her eyes. Wow! There it is, the shine ready to become another star in this city's sky, saying hello to the world. Her walking is a little clumsy since, let's be honest, her dreams are stronger than her homeless body. While she is trying not to crash into the multitude, she reaches her eyes to a big screen on one of the awesome edifices. There's a commercial, but not just any commercial; it's something that makes her smile get bigger looking up at it.

Soon, on the screen, a beautiful lady appears. She was none other than that little creature's idol! A succubus with beautiful aqua shiny and well-cared-for hair, eyes full of trust, and a winning smile, known for her talent and kindness to people like our homeless star.

The little one stays focused on the five-minute commercial while the others just walk around. You want to know what it is about? Okay! The beautiful celebrity starts by presenting herself, saying hi to the world, and then making a sponsorship for a perfume brand. Nothing that special, but for the one looking too focused, it is. She feels so inspired, looking at her kind aura and awesome appearance. Then the lady talks about something that made our little shadow take a very important choice for her future: "I don't care where you come from, how you look, or if you're rich or poor. If your heart's good, my flowers and my hand will reach out to help you." That last short phrase is echoed in a weak high voice from the girl. After the ad ends and shows a place, there's a face of determination on her, and she starts running somewhere, confusing the people around who wonder if she's on drugs or something. But at this point, she doesn't care if she crashes into people. She knows what she's doing.

After a lot of travel, she arrives at a very pretty building exuding an aura of luxury and exclusivity. She is sure that what she is looking for is here. She obviously knows that the huge security guards won't let her in, judging by how intimidating and focused on their job they look. Anyways, to not be noticed by the intimidating guys who guard the entrance to the luxurious building, she looks for a good shortcut to that place. Until, bingo! An alley near that beautiful place stands out for its little red lighting. Entering that place quite carefully, she manages to find some windows nearby through which she can sneak in. Before seeing how this little demon tries to get into private property, let me tell you something: demons and some other races have the ability to levitate or fly. But! The Air Traffic Law, which monitors the flight management of vehicles and pedestrians, prohibits them from exceeding a certain flight height to avoid accidents or misuse of the flight ability. So, if that little girl gets caught flying too high and for trying to trespass on private property, she would be in serious trouble. Oh, forget it, she just rose three stories off the ground and doesn't seem to be focused on what could get her into serious trouble. Just look at her face; she's fully lost in her idealization of what will happen next.

Once she reaches a specific floor window, before trying to enter, she has to immediately hide since two beings just walked too close to the window. Outside, the guards haven't seen her because of her dark clothing. What a day to dress like that, huh? Once she puts her eyes back on the inside of the elegant and well-furnished building, she takes advantage of the fact that the window was open and enters, doing a very stupid fall onto her face on the floor. She stands back up, looks side to side, and starts tiptoeing, at the same time smelling the air using her nose to look for something. And there it is.

Following the fine smell of an expensive rose perfume, she manages to stop at the door of a huge film set in the middle of filming a photo shoot. I come to this conclusion based on what she was hearing behind that big door. So carefully and slowly, she pushes the door to enter the sophisticated film set and admires her idol for a few seconds before thinking about what to say to introduce herself.

Then a security guard notices that little demon poking her head out of the big door. A very confused expression is seen on his face between his vibrant glasses, and he gets close to his workmate to ask, "Who is that little one?" So the other guard looks at the door and, getting surprised, makes a confused hand expression. "I hope it's not another—" his whispering gets interrupted by the excited voice of the girl screaming very happily, "Hi!! I can't believe I'm here!! Right in front of her!" Saying this very happily while one of those bodyguards facepalms himself with a pitying feeling for her. "Not fucking again," is heard from him with a bored tone in his voice. While that happens, the little hooded demon has already run close enough to her idol. Then that woman finally notices her presence and gives an expressionless look at her for a moment.

"Uh... hi? Who are you?" she asks, looking at the little girl who had a big smile on her face to see her. "You're even prettier in person!!" she said. "Awwn—I know that~," the celebrity said, "but who are you?.." she also said with a little disgust in her face. "My name is Wraith! I'm your biggest fan, seeing your commercials changed my life an—" the woman interrupted gently, putting her finger to her mouth and getting close a little, making her big heels sound on the floor, "Sweetheart, please just shut up... you're being too loud... you really thought I was what you were looking for?" "But—" the little girl, confused, said, "Security, what the hell is wrong with you both, pair of fools?! Why did you let this disgusting broke excuse of a succubus even talk to me?!" the elegant woman said very angrily, looking at the security guys. So one of them gave two steps in front of her and said, noticing him a little mad, "Maybe if you didn't clickbait people, this would not happen," visibly with an angry expression. "Witch..." he whispered. So the lady, even angrier, yelled, kind of scaring the set staff, "Ugh! Shut the fuck up, Dorian—" after that, she looked over her shoulder at a frightened and confused little Wraith paralyzed in shock, "Security, please GET RID OF HER, SHE'S STINKING UP MY SET!" she said angrily and walked back to the photo set, kicking a camera violently and breaking it like it was nothing. Then the security guys carried Wraith to the exit, and she was scared they would throw her violently like in movies, but once out, they didn't. They just put her gently on the floor. The same guy who confronted that woman, after adjusting his glasses, approaches Wraith on the verge of tears. "Hey, uhm... sorry for this shit, kid... just... don't trust what you see on the screens, okay?" He crouches and headpats her, "Maybe this won't help you get a house, but accept it as compensation for not avoiding you seeing her true colors." He gave her some money tickets from his pocket. She looks at them surprised, "Take that and please don't come back..." she looked at his face trying to see his eyes, thanked him, and started running away from there.

She stopped close to the beautiful view of the sea from a bridge to try to process everything that happened. How can the person that most gave you hope that things could get better do this to you? Maybe because of things inside her mind, she never expected such a hurtful disappointment.

Looking at the sky and the stars for a second, she closed her eyes and stepped away from the cold wind view of the railings of that elegant bridge. She just walked on the empty road, not knowing where to go, just having the cold and the city lights as her company. And then the weather starts to not help. It was about to rain, so she started levitating fast to find a place to be since the floor just started feeling too cold to walk on. And then, without thinking too much, she tried to enter shops to stay while it rained, but some people wouldn't let a homeless person enter their fancy shops that easily

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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