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Trivia!Harry x Shy!reader, rom-com vibes

This is part one of a PATREON EXCLUSIVE. Part two is already up on my patreon. You can find the link to my patreon in my wattpad bio <3

 You can find the link to my patreon in my wattpad bio <3

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She takes a long drink. It tastes like kismet and carbonated nothingness.

"Alright, alright, alright."

Smooth baritone into the bulbous head of a microphone, hovering millimeters from pink, plush borders of a mouth. It seeps through the meshed grill caging it like molasses slinking the gaps. The lively chatter dulls as heads turn, and then swells in eager increments.

"Alright," he says, a set of green eyes flickering from the monitor he's settled over a rejigged high top, and bounding sharply to whoever's just given an overly enthusiastic cry of yes from the horde surrounding the portable four-by-eight platform. 

A peal of sparse, scattered laughter. His mouth quirks.

"Very enthusiastic today. Hello to you, as well. I'm well. How are you?"

His cresting eyes bound from the glowy screen, casting light and carving shadow over the sultry features of his visage; an evenly straight slope of a nose, cheekbones feathered by long lashes, a bit of curl that traipses over his forehead.

His chin swivels to his left, somewhere closer to the platform where a woman leans over the high top — her designated team — the corners of his lips curling in response to whatever he's said. Face alive, he nods. He tips his chin. Makes a creased face like something playful. Says something else, laughs softly, and turns back, shaking his head.

Y/N tucks the straw in and takes another slow sip. 

He brings the mic back to the ruddy stain of his lips.

"Hope everyone's having a lovely Thursday. M'Harry, I'll be leading the trivia— as I do— so if you're sitting there going, who is this obnoxious cock, talking into the mic the whole night? Hi, Hello. That's me— I do trivia."

Harry is fit.

At first, Y/N had been dubious to desert her romcom reruns and her cross-stitch project mid-way (despite the fact that her thumb now resembles a pin cushion) when her friends had swept her off into their regularly scheduled, mysteriously niche Thursday night schemes. Now, she gets it.

The destination — The Black Horse — is a fuggy little space that smells like spilt Michelob and fusty, weathered oak. There's a no smoking sign pasted in a spare crevice of the backbar, but someone in the far right corner exhales a plume of vapor like they've hit their elfbar in the most clandestine manner imaginable. Shamelessly. It's a small town — an islet in the heart of an archipelago — and she thinks she can make out her seventh grade swim team rival perched somewhere off in the front row.

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