Short Story no. 1

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"I just think maybe if we actually talked-" He was interrupted again. This is how their arguments always went, he was tired of it. "No, cus then you're gonna blame me for everything, and I'll be at fault for something you did! I-" He let out a tired sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose before looking him dead in the eye "Okay, listen, this obviously isn't working. I'm going for a walk to calm down, and maybe we should talk about this another time. By the time I'm back I don't want you here anymore."

He grabbed his jacket, his box of cigarettes, and a lighter before leaving slamming the door behind him, not giving him a chance to speak. As he walked he inhaled as he walked down the street, past all the vendors and into the dimly lit, crowded, and loud bustling busy streets of Japan. He didn't know what was wrong in his relationship, was he wrong? Did he always blame him for his problems? Was he bad at communication? Was he-

"Oomph-!" He fell backward as he bumped into someone, he expected to hit the ground but he was caught mid-fall. "Are you okay?" A quiet but soft voice spoke, he opened his eyes to see a tall man with a well-taken-care beard, and his long milky brown hair in a bun. He looked majestic. He turned red and nodded before standing up and dusting himself off. "Thank you for catching me, sorry for not paying attention and running into you." He was met with a laugh and wave, "It's fine, don't worry," They stood in awkward silence.

"Hey, can I get your number?" Surprised by the sudden request, he stood there for a moment before grabbing his phone and handing it to him. "Sure," "Sweet, here," He was handed the stranger's phone and that was that. They sparked a conversation and walked to a hill in the nearby park. He laid down on the grass and sighed, he still had a problem that was most likely still in his house. The sigh and depressed look caught the attention of the man bun guy next to him. "Something on your mind?"

He rolled over to face him, "I'm having relationship issues, and I'm really considering breaking up with him. It's like he never listens, before I came out here and bumped into you we got don arguing. He refused to admit that he left the kitchen dirty on purpose, he didn't make dinner like he promised, he left the house a mess, and most important he didn't take the dogs out for a walk or for them to use the bathroom, I told him I had guests coming over today, and I had to speed clean everything just to look presentable to put my mind at ease!" He rolled back over onto his back as the man held his hand while he ranted.

"He never does anything around the house, I do everything, I cook, I clean, and I do everything, I can barely take time for myself so I can wind down, I'm burnt out and tired. I can barely sleep at night because he's so loud when he's playing the game, I've only slept peacefully twice and that was when I slept on the couch or in the guest room, he's laughed at my trauma and the things I've had to literally go to a psychward or mental hospital for because, "everyone grows out of it at some point" or whatever, it pisses me off! He can expect so much but can't do shit to make someone feel worthy, he can't be there for his lover and he can't fill expectations when it comes to the bedroom, like what the fuck?"

The man choked at that before he started laughing, it took a while for him to realize what he said, and when he did he turned red. "So what I'm hearing is, he's a guy who can't take care of his boyfriend properly? Sounds like a douche," He nodded in agreement. "I honestly can't stand him, all our years in highschool he treated me the same way, he thought since I don't talk a lot let alone at all, he can just pick on me and treat me like I'm mute. He bullied me a lot and yet I still fell in love. But I doubt you can call it love anymore." He mumbled as he closed his eyes.

They stared at the star-filled sky for a while before they turned to face each other, "Hey.." He was cut off by lips on his. It sparked something he never felt before. Even though it feels wrong, it also feels right. As they made out under the starry sky, they felt warm with each other. He felt happy, blissful. And in a blink of an eye, they were cuddled up in the stranger's bed, hair messy, lips swollen, hickies, bite marks, hand prints everywhere and all over. As the stranger threw a tissue in the trash from his bed, he looked at the tired man lying on his chest.

"What's your name by the way?" He whispered so as to not startle him. He got a yawn in response, and then he spoke.

"Aone Takanobue" He yawned and looked up at him stretching a tiny bit. "What about you?"

"Asahi Azumane," He smiled as he played with his hair. This felt right, it felt like he was meant to be with him. And he'd be damned if he'd lose him to someone who can't make his lover feel good in bed or treat them right.


hey hey heeeyyy, I'll be posting short stories today as I feel in a writing mood, I'm cooking up a longer chapter for you all, but feel free to leave any requests here!!


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