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Javon's pov:

i finally found diana at the snack machine hitting the thing on its side

I made my way over to her when i heard

"cmonn, give me at least my money back." She said desperately

"it doesn't work like that." I said standing behind her

she jumped and looked back at me

"you scared me wanna." She said looking up at me up and down then back at the machine

i then pushed the machine back a little and her bar flew down

"finally." She whispered but loudly enough for me to hear

I laughed a little and she got her chocolate bar.

she wanted to open it and asked "You want some?"

"no im fine." "You sureee?? I know you lovee chocolate."

she said making me smile "Yeah i have to stop eating chocolate gotta keep my body in good shape."

I said placing my hand on my abs reminding her of yesterday

her smile then dropped and she looked down

Fuck she probably thinks i was insulting her

"wait no diana, i didn't mean you you look beautiful and sexy just the way you are."

she then looked up at me again and laughed "I was kidding chill, who knew you were so defensive wanna."

she said shooting me a wink making me weak but I laughed it off

"hey ana, i wanted to ask if we can talk alone real quick." I said and she then looked up at me and said

"yeah sure, here orr?" "let's go to my car."


we were walking to my car when I started talking

"so uhm, i wanted to talk about the deal." I said as we approached my car

she then sighed and looked up at me

"i know what you're gonna say and it's fine, i think they learned their lesson too." she said making me confused

"no, it's nothing like that. I mean yeah i want to stop with the fake dating but not bc of that."

i said and she then looked confused

"why then?" she looked up st me and i swear i was getting butterflies just by the way she looks at me

"i want to be more that fake dating diana, i want to be in a real relationship with you. I have caught feelings for you and it's just so.."

i paused and breathed in and out as i grabbed her hands

"different. I have never felt this type of way for any girl. I know you probably don't believe me or anything that im saying so please let me show you that i can change.

I want to change for you because your so amazing and beautiful diana i feel so comfortable around you that it has been at the point that i only want to be around you, i want you to be mine, will you be my girlfriend diana?"

she softly smiled at me and looked away

I was confused till i heard her sob

I placed my hand to her cheek turning her to face me. tears rolling down her face as she looked away

I just hugged her and she hugged me back

"im sorry, i didn't mean to make you cry."
I said and she then pulled away from the hug

"wanna that was so sweet, and yes, i will be your girlfriend." She said and a huge smiled formed onto my face

I then moved closer to her and our lips connected

it felt like fireworks tbh

when we pulled away from the kiss I wiped her tears away and hugged her again.

she hugged me back and we stayed like that for a little

"so can i know kiss you and hug you anytime i want?" I said as we pulled away from the hug

"hmm maybe." She said walking away but i grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me

she laughed before our lips connected again

our lips now moving in sync and her hands wrapped around my neck as mine were on her waist.

We then pulled away from the hug and i grabbed her hand making our way into school again.



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