When does Indigo Park take place?

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So...we don't know the date of when Indigo Park takes place.

But I have a good idea.

Firstly, we know the game takes place sometime in the 2000's, given the game's anonymous date of 20XX.

But we also know one thing.

Rambley states that the Rambely gang's expired the day the player showed up.

Assuming the game takes place in the states, Copyright for a work like Rambely is the life of the creator plus 70 years.

Issac Indigo, who us the founder of Indigo Park, is heavily based upon Walt Disney, so I'm going to assume they had the same lifespan.

Walt Disney lived to 65.

65 plus 70 is 135.

Thanks to Rambley's statement at the beginning of the game, we know the Park shut down 8 years ago before the player arrived.

Assuming, again, that Indigo Park is based upon Disney Land, that would mean that Indigo Park was founded sometime in 1955.

Now take 1955 and add 135 and 8.

If I did my math right, we can assume Indigo Park takes place sometime around 2098.


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