𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Carme followed the group through the vast expanse of the ocean, her mind swirling with questions and apprehension. She couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider among these creatures, unsure of their intentions or what awaited her at their camp. As they swam deeper, the water grew colder, enveloping them in an eerie silence broken only by the sound of their movements.

 The waters around them grew darker and Carme felt certain that no natural light would reach them. Despite several minutes of swimming, silence prevailed, yet Carme found herself absorbing ample knowledge from their shared thoughts. The Oceanic coven had introduced themselves as a matter of courtesy: Imani Fishers led the coven with Delfin as her mate and partner, while they considered Dorothea, the mermaid, and Adelia as their daughters.

Listening to their thoughts was like peering into a new world for Carme. They lived so differently from the Cullens, making Carme reflect on the entire vampire world. How small and insignificant she felt compared to the experiences of others.

The mermaid, Dorothea, swam gracefully alongside them, her tail shimmering with iridescence. Adelia, with her determined gaze and sleek form, moved with purpose. Imani, calm and composed, exuded a sense of wisdom beyond her years. She was the one leading the way with the man, Delfin, remained a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty.

Before Carme could ponder more, they arrived at a reef of sorts. A large opening, sheltering many marine animals like sea snakes, appeared before them. The cavern entrance was wide and curved, with sharp stones jutting out in some places. The walls of the cavern were smooth in some areas and jagged in others. It was at the end of the reef that Imani led them to an entrance that delved deeper into the ground—a large crack that could only fit one person at a time.

Delfin went in first, followed by Dorothea and Adelia. Imani stared at Carme, signaling she was next, so Carme drifted over and pushed herself through headfirst. It was cramped, and sharp stones would have scratched her skin if she were human and careless. She swam through the claustrophobic space for several more minutes, Carme descended before making a right turn, eventually emerging into a faint light.

Shocked, she watched the surface of the water ripple only meters above as the others swam up. They were hundreds of meters deep in the ocean, not even accounting for the swim through the entrance. Hesitation gripped her, fear of smelling blood again lingering

With no other option, Carme felt Imani's firm yet gentle grip on her arm, guiding her as they ascended towards the surface. Carme could slowly make out the source of the light as they approached. Breaking the surface revealed a gigantic cavern filled with stalagmites and stalactites. Millions of glowing insects covered the walls and ceilings, offering a soft blue glow. It was a beauty Carme had never seen before. Her mouth dropped open as Imani stepped onto the stone floor.

"Welcome to our temporary home," Dorothea said, spreading her arms with a large grin. Carme timidly swam to the edge and climbed up as well.

The cavern stretched before them, dark and vast, illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent worms. Above them, the ceiling soared into darkness, its contours obscured by the intricate formations of stalactites that hung like icicles frozen in time. Each stalactite dripped with moisture, creating a rhythmic patter that echoed through the cavern like the beat of a distant drum. Beneath their feet, the cavern floor was uneven and treacherous, littered with jagged rocks and slippery puddles.

Glow worms cast a soft, ethereal light that illuminated the landscape in shades of green and blue, creating an otherworldly ambiance that seemed to transcend reality. The air was cool and damp, carrying the earthy scent of limestone and the faint hum of unseen creatures. Shadows danced along the walls, casting eerie shapes that seemed to shift and move with each flicker of light.

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