Mute and Talkative

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Kim has always liked Jaxson, but it appears that Jaxson doesn't mind how she doesn't talk. It appears he likes her back.


Kim smiled widely at the boy who sat across from her. Dressed in purely white, Jaxson sat crossed legged, pants highlighting his pretty legs, long, formal (yet stupidly cute) top making his pink hair vibrantly stand out. The green of his eyes was the brightest thing in the room as they stared at her.

There was something about sitting in front of your crush, a boy who doesn't know you're crushing on him, that made Kim feel euphoric. The younger boy went on saying whatever joke he'd been saying, Kim smiling stupidly no matter how unfunny it was. After all, what was she to do? And no, it was not funny. Something about Cheetos. But how Jaxson would talk about Cheetos was still cute, about how excited he got over something so small but could go on and on about it no matter what the situation was. He was someone like that. Someone perfect.

Breakfast at school passed quickly- at least for Kim- and her and Jaxon scurried to their appointed classes. She spent the whole day thinking about him. The cute, pink haired boy stayed in her mind: they held hands in a cafe, their first date, they went on another cute date playing around at a children's park (for one was never too old), and then she was interrupted by her friends in the hallway, crushing her daydreams. They swayed around her eyes as the children began to run away as new ones came into sight.

The tallest out of them wiggled his eyebrows about, laughing when Jaxon passed by in a cute hurry, most likely going to his class across the entire school. Well, he was, and Kim knew that to be a fact. Jin, her friend, sneered at the pink haired boy, but Kim said nothing. 

Well, she also couldn't say anything; She was mute.

"So what's up with Jaxson?" Jin asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and signed: 'I have to get to class.'

"Yeah and I have to go see my lover in Canada!"

Time seemed to fly by after that: suddenly classes were over and it was lunch time. The time where she could see Jaxon, a boy who had learned sign language just so they could communicate quickly. Jaxon was too cute.

She moved to stand next to the pink haired boy, who was all alone in the corner of the cafeteria. Jaxon smiled at her, offering for her to sit beside him.

The pink haired boy reached out his hand, holding a note to her. Kim took it.

Dear Kim,

I know you don't talk, but I also know you love it when I talk endlessly to you. So, I wanted to let you talk for this special day. As, if you've forgotten, it's Valentine's!!!! The time of Hearts and love and snickers from peers for the single ones. So, you know sign just as I do, but reading is always faster.

I'm sorry. I'm nervous to write this.

Kim cocked her head and switched her gaze up to Jaxon, who was a slightly blushing mess when their eyes interlocked, a heartbeat of their own. The pink haired looked down at his lap, where his hands played with each other nervously, thumb racing over thumb. What did Jaxon have to be nervous about?

Kim continued reading:

It's silly, but also it's not.

I wanted to let you know that you know how we've been friends for so long? Well, I hope you realize that I've always had a liking for you. But, as of more recently, I've come to think of you as someone who I don't really want to let go, let you leave me (though you always can), or think of you as just a friend.

What I'm trying to say is, will you be my Valentine?

And maybe, just maybe, go on a date with me for it?

Kim's eyes widened and a little gasp slipped from her little pink lips. Jaxon's gaze trailed it, but she couldn't tell if the younger was shocked or embarrassed. Perhaps a bit of both.

The fact that Jaxon liked Kim back blew her mind. No way. She'd been crushing on the pink haired boy for long enough that they've grown to know each other enough to where he almost shared his past, but that's for a different time. And, the option to be Jaxon's Valentine??!

Kim smiled widely, closing half her eyes and nodding. She held out her hand, smiling even wider when Jaxon's confused face traveled from his palm to his face. Who wouldn't say no to his cute face, his button nose, and his upturned lips. He was just the cutest boy in the world.

"What's your..."

'Yes.' she signed.

Jaxon smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her in for a hug. It was so sweet, her hands reaching forward and gripping at the younger's back and hugging him as tight as she could. They stayed that way for a minute, a tight squeeze placed around her. When the pink haired boy pulled away, he was a smiling, blushing mess and she felt like the world was behind her, the only thing in front of her: Jaxson. Kim's face shone with blush, her lips turned into a smile that hugged her cheeks as their gazes linked. His hand found hers.

"You know how long I've been wanting to ask you out?" Jaxson's smile was brighter than the moon on a dark night as he spoke hurriedly. "It's been weeks, Kimmie! I wish I had the guts to ask you out sooner but I was too scared; I thought you might've said no or would have thought I was weird, because that's something I worry about. You thinking I'm weird..." Jaxon was cut off by Kim's movement: she scooted forward and left a quick peck on the pink haired boy's cheek.

The younger's eyes widened. She giggled silently, her shoulders picking up and down against her purple sweater, one that his hand moved down to play with the hem of. His long, slim fingers danced.

"So, to make it clear... are you my Valentine?"

'Yes, I am, idiot.'

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