Part 19

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I wanted to go to the cafe and talk to Helena but I had a strong feeling that would be the first place Hunter would go to look for me. I didn't want Helena to get in trouble because of me, so I had to stay away from her. And I was done being predictable for Hunter.

The first thing I wanted was coffee. Not because I was craving it but because I wanted to prove to myself that I could have coffee if I wanted. I was petty but it was the only way for me to have some control over my life.

I stopped the car in front of a popular coffee shop and fortunately the barista flipped the closed sign to open as soon as I got out of the car. I may not even drink the coffee but I would show Hunter I could buy it.

Pushing the door of the cafe aside, I entered and flashed the barista the biggest smile I could muster even though I was fuming inside because of Hunter. The cafe was big and had plenty of room for people to sit and work if they wanted.

"Hello! Good morning!" The barista chirped, excitedly.

"Hi, can I get a large French Vanilla Latte, please?" I said.

The barista gave me a smile saturated with guilt. "I'm so sorry but our coffee machine is broken today. I can get you something else if you like."

Was she for real? This was a cafe. How could she open the cafe if the coffee machine was broken? Would she be telling the same thing to every other customer who came here? It was bad for business and she should get the machine repaired before opening the cafe for business.

"Uh, no." I frowned, unable to believe this cafe was open and didn't have coffee. "Thank you. Have a nice day." I smiled and walked out and got inside the car. I wanted to check some other coffee shop but Hunter would be on my tail by now and I wanted to make it difficult for him to find me. I had no doubt he'd be able to find me, I just wanted to prolong the inevitable.

Pressing down on the accelerator I drove to the other end of the city. I wanted to confuse Hunter—drive him insane like he did to me over the years. He thought his absence was easy on me but it wasn't. It was difficult for me to move on from him.

You still love him.

Even if I did, there was no way I was admitting it to him. I didn't even think about any other man because this crazy man refused to leave my heart and mind. How did he managed to claim my heart and mind in a span of a single year was beyond me, but he did and he refused to leave.

When I saw his car through the rear view mirror I couldn't help the smirk that curved my lips. I was expecting him to find me sooner but that only meant that I was getting good at being unpredictable. Maybe one day I'd be able to evade him and he wouldn't be able to find me.

I sped up and entered the outskirts of the city with Hunter close on my heels. I could see him clearly through the rear view mirror but was surprised when I didn't see the fury I expected on his face. Was he not angry with me? He despised being away from me and if I was the one responsible for the distance between us—both physical and emotional—then he would be furious. But he wasn't angry now. Had he changed over the years? Did my absence no longer mattered to him?

If it didn't then he wouldn't be chasing you even after ten years.

The tightness in my heart dissipated and I was once again able to focus on the road. I took a left and entered a road with large patches of empty land and fields on either side of me. I drove a little farther before taking another turn and entered a clearing and parked the car. Hunter drove a little further and parked his car in front of me, telling me that there was nowhere I could go now. I sat in the car and waited for him to come to me. He didn't disappoint. He strode over to me, his jacket flapping on either side. He opened my door but I made no move to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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