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"Pasiruošęs važiuoti, Meiluti?" (Ready to go, Love?)

The middle aged man said with a gentle, yet caring tone. The younger man nodded eagerly, awaiting their drive. His light blue eyes sparkled with excitement, finally starting their life at a new town, one that is more accepting and happy. And of course, continue to expand their art business, make his ma' proud of him and his sister.
He will miss his father, however he knows the benefits of moving into a bigger town, where his father's business might grow and become successful!

"Kur Marija?" (Where's Maria)

The young man asked, growing impatient as his sister was taking a good while getting her bags ready. His father gently patted his shoulder.

"Tu juk žinai, kaip ji kartais mėgsta pasigarbanoti savo plaukus." (You know how she sometimes likes to curl her hair.)

"Nu man irgi patinka, bet aš niekad neužtrunku ilgiau kaip 20 minučių." (Well, I also like to, however I never take longer than 20 minutes.)

He let out a sigh of pure boredom, playing with his wavy hair

"Paprašyk jos, kad greičiau ateitų, juk perkūniją praneša..." (Tell her to come here, there might be a storm soon...)

Love sighed, before opening the car door to sit in. This wasn't unusual, however he was growing really impatient. He crossed his legs, before opening his book that he's been reading.
"Rebirth and a fresh start" read on the front cover. It was a book of wisdom, something that helps you to stay in the present, rather than the past.
He sighed, before opening the page he left on.

"Ką skaitai, ramunėle?!" (What are you reading, chamomile!?)

He jumped up, feeling his heart jump out of his chest. It was something he never got used to. He was easily frightened to the point he was even jumping at small noises. Maybe he had the sensitivity of a bunny. That thought made him lightly smile.

"Baik mane gąsdinti!" (Quit scaring me!)

Love said with an annoyed, yet playful tone. As much as he hated it, he couldn't be mad at his big sister for long.

"Gal šį kartą leisi man vairuoti?" (Maybe this time you'll let me drive?)

The young woman said, giving a suggestion as she closed the book in his hand and placing it in one of the place holders between them.
The albino lad nodded, his soft hands grabbing the keys and handing them to Maria.

"Tik neįsiblaškyk, kaip praeitą kartą. Nes ne tik tėvams infarktą gali įvaryti." (Just don't get distracted. Or our parents won't be the only ones that might get a heart attack.)

They both chuckled, shaking their hands as they soon headed towards their vehicle.


The drive was long, and boring. They had run out to talk about any topic, now letring out a sighs of boredom as they still had yet to drive there. The sky, though, didn't stay the same boring cloudy colour, not anymore. Was it...Was it the upcoming storm? But...It was supposed to happen during midnight. It was only a little after 6 PM!
The sky began to turn dark, alongside the clouds taking a dark monochrome shade of black. This wasn't good. They still had an hour for them to reach Dandelion town and they both soon grew worrysome for the worst case scenario.

"Blemba, tik to ir trūko." (Damnit, just what I needed.)

Maria said sarcastically as she noticed the sky becoming darker, thus making it harder to see. She turned on the vehicle's lights, still noticing a bit of fog forming. But how?

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