Chapter 7 : The Green-Eyed CEO

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As Dome's presence continued to weave its way into the fabric of the Luminary Tower, Pooh found himself grappling with a tumult of emotions that threatened to consume him. The charismatic new employee's arrival had stirred a sense of unease within the CEO, a feeling he struggled to name but could not ignore.

Jealousy, a foreign and unwelcome guest in Pooh's heart, reared its head with a vengeance, casting a shadow over the once-steady presence of the CEO. As Dome's interactions with Pavel grew more frequent and pronounced, Pooh's gaze lingered on them with a possessiveness that he could no longer deny.

In the quiet solitude of his office, Pooh found himself consumed by thoughts of Pavel and Dome, their shared history and unspoken connection gnawing at the edges of his consciousness. The rivalry that had emerged between the two men stirred a sense of insecurity within the CEO, a feeling he had long sought to suppress.

As the days passed, Pooh's normally composed demeanor faltered, his interactions with Pavel tinged with a hint of possessiveness that did not go unnoticed by those around them. The whispers of jealousy that surrounded the CEO's behavior grew louder, casting a pall over the once harmonious atmosphere of the Luminary Tower.

One evening, as Pooh and Pavel found themselves alone in the CEO's office, the tension between them reached a breaking point. Pooh's gaze bore into Pavel's with an intensity that sent a shiver down the secretary's spine, a silent accusation lingering in the air.

"Is something troubling you, Pooh?" Pavel's voice was gentle, his concern palpable as he met the CEO's gaze with unwavering honesty. The silence that followed was deafening, a chasm of unspoken words and unexplored emotions that threatened to consume them both.

In a moment of vulnerability, Pooh's facade crumbled, his walls coming down as he confessed to the unfamiliar emotions that plagued him. Jealousy, a foreign and unwelcome guest in his heart, reared its head with a vengeance, casting a shadow over the fragile bond he had forged with Pavel.

As Pavel listened, a sense of understanding washed over him, a realization that their connection ran deeper than mere words or actions. In that moment of shared vulnerability, they found solace in each other's presence, a sense of unity that transcended the complexities of their emotions.

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