The Awful Truth of Magic

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This is my new one shot. Based during the season 4 finale.


Emma's P.O.V.

I run into Mary-Margret and David's loft. Killian was there, thank god. But why hadn't he woken up yet. I go to run to him but before I get the chance David id holding me back.

"Emma honey. I don't think you should go over there. You might not like the sight you see." I continue to struggle against David. I can't lose him like I have lost everyone else. He promised he wouldn't leave me. He said he was a survivor. David pulls me to his chest while Mary-Margret goes over to check if he is alive. I close my eyes and snuggle my head into David's chest. I'm not ready to know the answer yet I feel like I already know it.

David's P.O.V.

I pull Emma to my chest knowing she won't like what Mary-Margret is probably about to tell us. I look over at Mary-Margret who at first looks like she was about to ball her eyes out as well but then I see it. The slightest bit of hope in her eyes.

"David" Mary-Margret yells at me. "Call an ambulance Killian is alive but only just." With that I let go of Emma.

Emma's P.O.V.

As soon as those words left Mary-Margret's lips I feel David let go of me so i rush over to Killian. I placed my head on his chest. I can hear his heart. I can't believe he is alive. He truly is a survivor. But suddenly that beat was gone. I knew it was to good t be true. The Savior is doomed to forever be alone.

"Come on Killian stay with me. You promised you would never leave me." And with that I place one final kiss on his lips in hope he would wake up. After a minute my heart sunk into my stomach. He truly was gone. I never had a chance to tell him I loved him.

"Killian. I fought this feeling back from the moment I met you. You knew me as if we had been friends from a young age. I now know how stupid it was of me to never tell you and now I will never get the chance to but at least I can finally admit it. I do not just love you Killian but I am in love with you." And with those words leaving my mouth I let out all the emotions I have been holding back for years. The feeling of being abandoned by my parents. The grief of losing Neal, Graham, even Walsh. And lastly the most awful pain. The loss of Killian. Letting all of these out at once caused my magic to go haywire. It was like I had been a ticking atomic time bomb and the time had just run out. Everything went black.

David's P.O.V.

With Emma letting everything out I saw her magic spiraling out of control. She getting weaker and weaker by the second. When suddenly everything stopped and Emma fell onto Killian. Emma hadn't been able to  control it anymore. I run over to Emma. Gathering up all the hope and energy i can muster I check her pulse. My heart skips a beat. She is still alive.

"Mary-Margret Emma is still alive." I can see the relief and joy that washes over her face. I quickly go over and check Killian's pulse as well. To my surprise his heart is beating once again. Suddenly Doctor Whale rushes into the room.

"Who do you want me to see first?"

"Tend to Killian and we will get Emma to the hospital."

Emma's P.O.V.

When I wake up I see that I have somehow gotten to the hospital. I look around the room to find Mary-Margret and David standing there. It all comes back to me the loss of Killian. I start to panic. 

"Get me out of this bed. I don't want to be here I want to be with Killian." With that David rushes over.

"Emma calm down everything is going to be alright."

"No it won't because Killian is dead and I have no idea how I can handle that. Plus all I can really remember is feeling so sad that my magic went wild,"

"Emma, you  don't have to know how to handle that because Killian is alive."

"Impossible I felt and heard his heart stop." Now I was getting even more panicked and confused.

"Emma, calm down. You need to be calm for what I am about to tell you" After that I went dead still. What did he need to tell me? "When your magic went haywire something happened..... Some must have hit Killian cause when we went over to check on you he was breathing and his heart was beating again."

"But but but but but buut buuuuut ........." And with that everything went black again.


Okay. So I know that was a bit random especially as I haven't updated in awhile but I needed to get some writing out of my system and this sorta just happened. Leave a comment to tell me what you thought. If you have any prompts you want me to write about then leave them in the comments or private message them to me.

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