Your beauty scares me

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Additional Tags:

Requited Unrequited Love | Mutual Pining | Fluff | Light Angst | Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence | Miguel O'Hara Needs a Hug | Mild Language | Mild Hurt/Comfort


For a long time, you thought you were special. Being a spider-person seemed to be a one-of-a-kind job.

Turns out multiverse is a thing?

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For a long time, you thought you were special. Being a spider-person seemed to be a one-of-a-kind job.

Turns out multiverse is a thing?

No biggie, there is just an infinite amount of people with the same powers as you.

Down the line, you realized how all of you are different, and how all of your powers vary, but at the beginning, things were tough.

That's why you're so thankful to Miguel and Jessica, your first real friends - and on that note, the first members of Spider Society.

You were the official 3rd addition.

You liked to think that being one of the older members made you special, but it seems you were the only one. Well, not the only one, Jessica always tells you that you're the best friend she could hope for.

You just hope Miguel would feel the same.

The man was a real mystery. At times he was a great companion, laughing along with you two and always having your back during a fight. But there were also times when he would disappear for hours on end, snap at you at any minor inconvenience, and become a full-fledged beast on the battlefield.

Maybe that's why you like him so much. Wanting to see the good outshine all the bad... He is something else.

It was this small seed of interest that then turned into a crush, which then became your entire life. Well, maybe let's not be dramatic.

Miguel O'Hara wasn't your entire life - Spider Society was.

What started as a small side quest, quickly spiraled out of control. You decided not to reside in your home dimension, and rather move full-time to Neuva York on Earth-982 - the base of your operation. You helped to build the whole operation from the ground up.

As more and more members came, you realized you're not the best Spider-Man out there. Many of them were much stronger than you.

It was then around that time that the need for someone behind the scenes arose. You and Lyla (and later Spider-Byte) were the ones to run things from (usually) the comfort of your home. That didn't mean that you were opposed to going on missions from time to time.

With that being said, you spent the majority of your time fixing up all the human errors that come up while managing a whole hub of spider people.

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You enter Miguel's office, not even looking up from the papers in your hand.

"Hey listen, I need you to look at this-" You raise your head, and realize he is not the only person in the room. Apart from him, there's Jessica and a spider person you haven't seen before. She looks young, wearing a mostly white and pink suit and... are those ballet shoes? "Is this a bad time? I can come back later."

Jessica waves her hand and you come closer.

"I was actually planning on calling you." Jessica soothes. "I need some help convincing Dark Garfield over here-" A chuckle escapes you and the new girl, both of you quickly locking eyes. You just as quickly look away when Miguel clears his throat. "-suddenly changed his mind about our newest member- Gwen."

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