chapter eight

40 11 15

Assalamualaikum guys ✌🏽 okay gashi nan dae🫴🏽🫴🏽 good luck 🍀🍀

Karewa GRA extension j/Yola

Unknown time

Yeah ai we didn't forget

I'll text you when I'm back

Sure byeee

Time to rest a little bit because am so tired.. I walked into the library to get a book or something as I walked in I saw him blabbering rubbish and with my migraine I didn't have time to even pay attention I just sat down and lay my head on one of the tables

Zaharaa ?

Ohh Allah who's disturbing me again

I raised my head upp

Ahhh the intruder was mifrahh

Hy miff muff

Heyy zizouu ,How are ya ?

Good alhamdulillah you ??

You know the usual

I see

It's been a while

Yeahh having a little bit of a migraine

Ohh subhanallah you okayyy??

To be honest noo it's sukaynah and her morons wallah I'm tired wallah like why Mee why are they disturbing me ?? What have I done wrong if I knew I'll be living in this shit hole called ss1c wallah id have taken A class

Aww am so sorry gurl I know how they are you just have to ignore them.. you know what ?? Let's think of something that make you happy okay??

Nothing except hamma ahan

Some else

Black roses??

You're a poet right ??

Yeah I am

Try surpassing your feelings into one poem

I'll try

I'll give you time think zizouu

I was quite for a little while

Mifrahh! i called

Yeah go on .. she gave me a beautiful smile

Trapped in a wall filled with darkness, all hole is lost beginning to give up, unexpectedly a ray of light pearces throug the wall giving me a reason to continue trying

Mashaa Allah that's like the best I've ever heard straight of of a brain braining the right way I loved it zaharaa you're really talented

I couldn't help but smile and it became a laugh thanks Miffy I really appreciate you you're the best

Aww thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu any time

The alarm rang indicating further maths was over mifrahh left not with out hugging me a d blowing a kiss. Mifrahh and her usual attitude I just love her she's the best listener and an amazing friend that always knows how to make me feel less useless and she doesn't judge like she's the best wallah.
I was about to exit the library when HE stopped me

Ahh zaharaa yane

Lafiya mabrouq ya school

Steady wallahi

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