Sports Cookie's Skills in CRK | Pt.9

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🍪🍊🏸Orange Cookie🍪🍊🏸

Rarity: EpicType: Bomber💣Position: MiddleSkill Name: Zesty Smash!14 secondsOrange Cookie is filled with energy and therefore is not affected by any ATK SPD debuffs! Upon using her skill, Orange Cookie jumps high up in the sky and smashes a Zesty ...

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Rarity: Epic
Type: Bomber💣
Position: Middle
Skill Name: Zesty Smash!
14 seconds
Orange Cookie is filled with energy and therefore is not affected by any ATK SPD debuffs! Upon using her skill, Orange Cookie jumps high up in the sky and smashes a Zesty Tennis Ball towards the enemies. The enemies will receive large amount of DMG and get stunned. Afterwards, the Tennis Ball will explode and deal large amount of DMG. Also decreasing the target's ATK SPD and increasing their Cooldown. Orange Cookie will be able to smash a large Tennis Ball on her next skill based on the amount of buffs she has on herself. She will deal more DMG on her enhanced skill. While Orange Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
Tennis Ball DMG: 350.0% of ATK (Cookies); 506.7% of ATK (Others)
Stun: 3.5 sec
Explosion DMG: 500.0% of ATK (Cookies); 768.4% of ATK (Others)
« -50.0% ATK SPD for 8.0 sec; stacks up to x1
+20.0% Cooldown for 10.0 sec; stacks up to x2
Enhanced Skill if she has 5 or more buffs on herself:
DMG Up: +56.8% of ATK per target in total

🍪🍋💚Lime Cookie🍪🍋💚

Rarity: EpicType: Ambush🔪Position: MiddleSkill Name: Mighty SPIKE!15 secondsLime Cookie is filled with feisty energy and is therefore not affected by any ATK and DEF reduction

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Rarity: Epic
Type: Ambush🔪
Position: Middle
Skill Name: Mighty SPIKE!
15 seconds
Lime Cookie is filled with feisty energy and is therefore not affected by any ATK and DEF reduction. Upon using her skill, Lime Cookie strikes the Refreshing Volleyball towards the frontliners, dealing damage and stunning the targets. The bitterness of the Lime Skin decreases the target's DMG Resist proportional to thief ATK. Afterwards, Lime Juice explodes from the Volleyball and splashes towards all enemies (including summoned creatures). The sour Lime Juice deals periodic damage and highly decreases the target's ATK and CRIT%. While Lime Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
Volleyball DMG: 330.0% of ATK
Stun: 2.0 sec
DMG Resist: -0.8% per 1.0% of ATK for 12.0 sec
Juice Periodic DMG: up to x12 hits over 2.5 sec; 5.6% DMG per hit
0-30.0% ATK for 10.0 sec
-45.0% CRIT% for 10.0 sec

🍪 🛼🍇Grapefruit Cookie 🍇🛼🍪

Rarity: EpicType: Support🎗️Position: RearSkill Name: RACE TIME!!!16 secondsGrapefruit Cookie is filled with unlimited energy, therefore receives less DMG from the enemies

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Rarity: Epic
Type: Support🎗️
Position: Rear
Skill Name: RACE TIME!!!
16 seconds
Grapefruit Cookie is filled with unlimited energy, therefore receives less DMG from the enemies. Upon using her skill, Grapefruit Cookie bumps into the targets at the front, dealing damage, stunning them, and inflicting Injury. She will then start spinning around the target with the highest ATK, making them Dizzy. Once the target recovered from the dizziness, they will receive lowered ATK and Healing. When Grapefruit Cookie returns to her team, she heals her allies and grants them a stack of "Power Energy Drink" for a certain amount of time. While Grapefruit Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
Bump DMG: 150.0% of ATK
Stun: 2.0 sec
Injury: Max HP -7.5% for 22 sec, Max HP can't go below 20%
Dizzy: 3.5 sec; affected target's skill will be paused
-50.0% of ATK
-30.0% of Healing
Power Energy Drink: +50.0% Max HP, +30.0% ATK SPD: +30.0% MOV SPD, +35.0% ATK, for 9.0 sec

🍪🍒🏐Cherry Ball Cookie🍪🍒🏐

Rarity: EpicType: Charge👊Position: FrontSkill Name: Tough Match13 secondsCherry Ball Cookie is filled with strong energy, and is therefore not affected by any DMG Resist reductions

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Rarity: Epic
Type: Charge👊
Position: Front
Skill Name: Tough Match
13 seconds
Cherry Ball Cookie is filled with strong energy, and is therefore not affected by any DMG Resist reductions. Upon using her skill, Cherry Ball Cookie charges towards the frontline enemies, dealing damage, stunning them, and decreasing their CRIT%. Afterwards, jumps high up in the air and strikes the Volleyball towards the target with the lowest HP and deals damage proportional to their HP. At the end of her skill, decreases all enemies' DMG Resist. Cherry Ball Cookie will be able to gain extra DMG Resist by using Toppings with CRIT% substats. While Cherry Ball Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
Single Hit DMG: 300.0% of CRIT%
9 Stun: 3.0 sec
-30.0% of CRIT% for 10.0 sec
Volleyball DMG: 18.0% of CRIT% per each 1% of HP lost
-40.0% of DMG Resist for 8.0 sec
Extra DMG Resist: +1.25% DMG Resist per 1.0% of CRIT% from Toppings

🍪🍫⚽Choco Ball Cookie🍪🍫⚽

Rarity: EpicType: Ranged🏹Position: RearSkill Name: GOALLL!!!!!15 secondsChoco Ball Cookie is filled with confidence, and is therefore not affected by any DEF reductions

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Rarity: Epic
Type: Ranged🏹
Position: Rear
Skill Name: GOALLL!!!!!
15 seconds
Choco Ball Cookie is filled with confidence, and is therefore not affected by any DEF reductions. The MVP of the Choco FC kicks the Choco Soccer towards the enemies, dealing damage and stunning them! The DMG dealt will be distributed to all targets. The targets will then have lower DEF and higher Skill Cooldown. Choco Ball Cookie then celebrates this score with his allies by increasing their ATK and ATK SPD.
Additionally, increases his own DEF and reduces his Skill Cooldown. The lower his Skill Cooldown is, the more DMG he deals. While Choco Ball Cookie is using his skill, he will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.
Soccer Ball DMG: 850.0% DMG in total: distributed to all enemies, except summoned units
Stun: 2.5 sec
-45.0% DEF for 11.0 seci stacks up to x2
+1 sec Skill Cooldown for 15.0 seci stacks up to x3
Celebration Effects:
M+35.0% ATK for 13.0 sec; stacks up to x1
› +35.0% ATK SPD for 13.0 sec: stacks up to x1
Self Effects:
+50.0% DEF for 12.0 sec
-1.5 sec Skill Cooldown: stacks up to x1
Extra DMG: +34.1% DMG every 1 sec of Skill Cooldown lowered

Janice Kawaye as Grapefruit Cookie
Scott Menvile as Choco Ball Cookie
Deanna Mustard as Cherry Ball Cookie

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