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Footsteps echo in the hallways as a researcher makes his way to the heavy containment zone. His hair a unkept under the dark blue unshaka, black ink dripping from the bandages on his head.

SCP-001 instance. Bingo

The door to the observation room opens with a simple tap of his level 5 card, making way for him.

Inside was a neatly organised room with files stacked on a metal table infront of the one-way window. A few crumbled sticky notes on the floor from last night's experiment.

He picked one up, reading its content before sticking it back onto the glass window to remind himself about feeding the anomaly a clean, fresh human heart. Why such a specific diet? No idea.

He tiredly glanced up and through the window, watching the former priest reading a book about gore and satan himself, sighing.

"I know you're there Aki, just say something already." The anomaly muttered, not looking up from his book. Mild irritation in his tone.

Aki stops staring staring at the older man, looking back at the note he just stuck on the glass. "Dust, your monthly meal is just being delivered right now. Would you like your dark chocolate while waiting?" He speaks into the mic, his voice going through the small speaker in the anomaly's cell, getting a scoff from the other.

Rolling his eyes, Dust corrects the doctor "It's every two months, not monthly." He says with his usual nerdy behaviour. "And yes, I would like some of that, thank you."

"You heard him, fetch him a bar." The researcher ordered his assistant like a dog, the younger person got up and sighed, tapping out of the room to get a chocolate bar from the cafeteria.

In the meantime, Aki just scribbles down a small drawing in his personal diary, occasionally glancing up at what Dust is doing.

The anomaly's cell walls are covered in writings and drawings, as Dust doesn't use paper. Writings dating back months, some maybe even years as no one really wants to know how he would react if they scraped it off.

One writing quoted 'Aki, you fool' from 2 years ago when the anomaly first arrived. The researcher remembered being so blind he didn't see the bloody body of a guard under Dust's bed, a giant whole through the area where their heart would be.

"How have you been?" Dust asks, tossing his book across the room once he's done reading. The book hitting the glass with a loud bang, but not startling the doctor. He was used to that, to say the least. It was Dust's habit.

Aki cleared his throat, using the mic to converse with the euclid anomaly. "I am fine, but tired." His answer was short, as he did not feel bothered enough to have small talk with the other.

"Doesn't sound fine."

"It's just life."

They talk for a bit longer before the assistant came back and handed the chocolate bar to the guards outside the cell "One of you give it to Dust." He asked them, getting an 'Alright' from Mike.


"You need to be more careful than this, commander."


Null doesn't give much response as Aki helps him with the nasty bite wound left on his shoulder by an SCP-939 instance that escaped containment.  Five killed, and twelve injured. It was only a minor breach, something not so chaotic for once.

The researcher sighs, disinfecting the bite with cleaning alcohol. "Do you ever learn?" He asked in a disappointed tone of voice.

"If I hadn't, why am I a team leader?" Null responded with a blunt, simple answer. His hard, cold stare gazing at Aki by the corner of his eyes unintentionally.

Aki looks up at him for a moment "Touche" He muttered, rolling his eyes.

When he was done, he informed the commander not to move so much, but knowing him, Null would probably still stay on duty due to his requirements to lead the team.

Aki tossed a bottle of pain killers at him, thinking he will need it even though he doesn't react much to pain.

"Get out of my office, and go deal with your sorry for nothing allergy." He said rather harshly towards his friend, leaving without saying another word as he went to go get dinner from the same old, plain cafetaria. They really need to renovate that.


Author's note: What are your opinion's on this? And what do you think Aki and his dynamic is like?

{it's currently 1:25 AM where I am. Night time motivation fr fr}

Next chapter: ??? (Will probably be in weeks, cause... school ;-;)



1. Everything going shit in school.

2. Ain't no way I got so severely sick after getting the influenza vaccine 

(The vaccine takes 2 weeks to take effect, and I only got mine a few days ago🤓☝️)

3. I'm "writing" a new story. I'm not sure about how it will go though. And I loveèee procastinating, so it will take 2 years in the peast to finish

 (I plan on drafting all of them first before publishing)

Also, this new story is a completely brand new universe, many major aspects inspired from Fundimentional Paper Eeucation, but I have my own characters. Biblically accurate (a slight hint to what it is), and a little bit of my own feelimgs towards biblical/god stuff

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