Incriminating Evidence

16 1 0

Drake's P.O.V

My eyes shoot open in a panic. A split second later I find myself blinded by the bright light pouring into my eyes and with a splitting pain in my head. I blink a few times to adjust to the brightness. Everything's blurry for a bit.

"What...what's going on?" I moan tiredly.


I turn my head to the side and find a small ghostly figure smiling back at me. It takes me a second to register who it is.

"Oh, hey Gabriel." I yawn.

'You look terrible.'

"I feel like shit too." I mutter. "My head hurts like Hell."

'Too much to stand?'

"I guess so...why do you care so much all of a sudden?"

'Just wanted to make sure.'

I shoot him a confused stare. Since when did he of all people want to make sure I was alright? It's creeping me out a bit. I hold my throbbing head and let out a groan.

"Where's...where's Mike?" I ask.

'In the kitchen.'

"The kitchen...? Wait, where am I?"

'In your bedroom, where else?'

It's only then that I realise just where I am. I look around quickly, my vision blurring ever so slightly before turning to normal a second later. I'm in my bed, the lamp on the bedside table illuminating the room slightly. I sit upright with a groan, my head throbbing. Brief flashes of what happened earlier appear in my mind. Going to Fazbear's Fright, finding the footage, Freddy himself...

"How long was I out for?" I murmur.

'A couple hours.'

"...what time is it?"


I sit there in silence for a minute or two, my thoughts spiralling. The whole thing feels like a shitty fever dream. What the fuck happened back there? And why was a warped version of Freddy there? Was that Gabriel? I turn to the spirit with a curious glare.

"...was that you back there?"


"When I was attacked...or, I guess, when the vent system went offline? Look, I don't know what the fuck to even call it but..."

Images of that desaturated Freddy that attacked me start flashing through my mind again.

"I...I just need to know...was that you?"

Gabriel shoots me a confused look, tilting his head.

'I don't understand... Did you see something-'

"I saw you, Gabe. You and the others right after a watermelon Freddy popped up from thin air and scared me unconscious." I blurt out, cutting the spirit off. Gabriel shoots me another confused glance.

'...we were here all the whole time, like you told us to.'

I stare at the spirit. His expression is genuine, one of confusion and slight concern. My eyes widen upon realising how serious he really is. 

'Did you-'

"Am I interrupting something?"

My eyes fly to the door to find a figure leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed. I try to get out of bed to go to him, groaning in pain as my entire body aches with every movement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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