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one day birde wokeup in his bed he using: evry 1K year bierd a rises to ett. birdie steps to on his porch wen a dog com up & peee on birdes' foot, so birde sed 'you bith!!1!" and then he ett the dog in a one bote. birde then getn on drive fire moterbike to papajons: too ett puzza. woonce birde  drive tru papajons wall he wealks too table & sit on it.a waiiter com to birde 7 ask ' yu cant' sit they're until yu make a irder.'     'i want 2 order 3 buflo meat on tobasko siraichia puzza wth big ass a statiyum.' birde mad his orderr butt the wauier did not liek thiss; "this order cant be orderd your insaine!'.. birdde wasn"t happy with ths so he then ett the waiter insted. "NON NOM" sed birde. "wat a pan in myas" sed cain badguy (my oc)  as he from be hind the papajons cownter wen he jumpd in to save hte dsay becus his shit was over. 'ill kik yuor ass with hte murdrseal wepin sord that my father maed me fro bithday' can then he murdr birde with his murdrsea atak. 'yare yare dase' sed cain then he jump on his evil bloddragon and he leif. birde hand stick out from rubble of the papajons that wonce ther was and it glowing now.


birde ett puzza(?) Where stories live. Discover now