Crescent Moonlight

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"So that's what happened," Kirisu replied to the story explained to him by his comrades from Asterisk. They all chatted on the hill surrounded by a forest of trees near the Hozuki Kingdom, discussing how they all ended up in Xendria and why. Yuna stood near the group, silent as she listened to their conversation.

"I didn't think Sora would do such a thing to prevent all of you from coming here just for me," Kirisu added.

"Sora has gone completely mad," Darriel said.

"I couldn't agree more," Adrian added.

"We're here for you," Sif reminded Kirisu. Since they had all been friends since childhood, they were willing to fight for him, even if it meant going against Emperor Owen's wishes and even fighting against Sora, who tried to stop them back in Asterisk.

"You've all risked your lives just for me, but you all  would be facing heavy consequences by disobeying my father's wishes," Kirisu said.

"We're in this together, Kirisu," Darriel said. "We don't leave our friends behind. We're taking you back."

"No," Kirisu shook his head in refusal. "I can't go back. Not right now. I have some important matters to take care of."

"Such as?" Sif questioned.

"I promised everyone here that I'll help them return home, back to the realm of Terra," Kirisu answered.

Everyone was silent for a brief moment after Kirisu said this. Upon hearing this, they thought Kirisu was kidding and would just immediately go back to Asterisk, considering how determined he was to become the Emperor of the Nova Kingdom of Asterisk, but it seemed like Kirisu had made a wise choice to help everyone there.

"I'll protect everyone here with all my power. Once I get everyone back home, we'll go home, back to Asterisk together," Kirisu added.

Sif, Adrian, and Darriel didn't seem to go against this. Rather, they smiled in support of Kirisu's decision. "Then we'll support you, friend," Darriel said.

"Now then... where's Sora?" Kirisu asked.

About ten minutes later, the steel-barred door would open, revealing Sora tied up in a jail cell.

"Hello, brother," Sora said confidently, looking up at Kirisu and his comrades, including Yuna, who had tagged along. Kirisu hadn't quite expected to see Sora like this, to see his own brother turn against him.

"I see you've changed," Kirisu said curtly.

"Likewise, brother, so have you," said Sora, commenting on Kirisu's new look since Kirisu had always had longer hair until recently.

"Why?" Kirisu questioned.

"I did what Father would have wanted me to do. You were banished from Asterisk and are never allowed to return home. Your friends here would also be banished for committing treason by trying to get to Xendria just to bring you back, but in the end..." Sora paused for a moment to shake his head slowly in disappointment before speaking again. "The results would remain the same. All of you would be banished."

Kirisu was silent after Sora's explanation. It truly seemed as if Sora had changed, as if Sora didn't want him around, as he had expected Sora to defend him in some way. "After everything we've done together, was all of this nothing to you?"

"There's no more room for silly games, Kirisu. Your chances of becoming Emperor are long gone. If anything, I'll be the one who will become the successor since you are banished for all of eternity," Sora said.

Kirisu didn't say much. He glanced to the side for a moment, eyeing r a moment as he couldn't imagine seeing Sora become the successor after their own father, who was currently leading the Nova Kingdom.

"No... I'll prove to Father that I am worthy of becoming Emperor, no matter what," Kirisu said, returning his gaze to Sora.

Sora wouldn't say another word, staring up at Kirisu in silence.

"I'll protect everyone and bring everyone back home first, back to the realm of Terrain. I'll deal with Asterisk after that," Kirisu briefly added.

"Well, in that case... free me. Let me assist you," Sora said.

Sif scoffed. "Did you just suddenly forget that you tried to kill us back in Asterisk, and now you want us to free you?"

Adrian chuckled a bit. "Guess we've got ourselves a comedian here in prison."

"We can always have a round two with Sora. I doubt he'll win again, especially since he'll be fighting against five of us this time," Darriel nonchalantly spoke, shrugging his shoulders.

"Enough—" Kirisu said, but before he could say what he wanted to say, he was interrupted by Sora.

"There won't be another battle. I've realized what I've done. I only wish to assist all of you, that is all," Sora said calmly. Kirisu stared at Sora and thought for a moment whether to free Sora or not, but it didn't take long for him to decide.

"Alright, you can join us," Kirisu said.

"What?" Sif scoffed in disappointment at Kirisu's quick decision.

"Welcome to the Crescent Moonlight guild." Our mission is to protect everyone from the shadows, from danger, and defeat powerful enemies while we strive to free everyone from Xendria," Kirisu explained to Sora.

Sora's lips slowly formed a smirk. "Very well, brother. So... when do we start?"

A couple of hours later, after Sora was freed, Sif, Adrian, and Daniel were not on board with letting Sora roam around freely, as they didn't trust him after what happened recently. However, they only allowed it to happen because of Kirisu. Meanwhile, Kirisu would be walking alone along the sidewalk with Yuna inside the kingdom.

"Are you sure you can trust him?" Yuna asked, looking up at Kirisu.

"Yes," Kirisu said with a small, confident smile. "He is my brother and rival, after all. Sora would have tried to fight us the moment we freed him, but fortunately, he didn't."

"I see..." Yuna said quietly, looking back down at the ground as she silently walked next to him.

"With you, Sif, Adrian, Darriel, and Sora in the guild with me as the guild leader, everything will turn out just fine. We'll be able to easily protect everyone, fight against those who stand in our path, and free everyone from Xendria," Kirisu said.

Yuna nodded, her lips forming a small smile from his confidence. "Yes, I'm sure we'll be able to do that. I support you, Kirisu."

"Heh!" Kirisu grinned, looking up at the crescent moon in the night sky. "Maybe after all this, I'll invite you to Asterisk. I think you'll like it there!"

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