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Author notes will be at the end now!

Katyr pov:

dammit i was out cold last night huh... was it even night? its hard to tell on this level. did we even advance that far. That's low-key kind of embarrassing that the tall-man was worried about me on the first floor. Seriously! How bad at adventuring etc. does he think i am?? I seriously don't like him already, gives me the creeps. WAIT! am i the only one up already.. Im gonna crack open my stash hell yeah!!!

(Katyr shuffles through their bag further away from the party, pulling out a mid-sized bottle)

Vulas has woken up.. :

"heyy is anyone awake??" , he says in a loud whisper

Circe is snoring and the 'new guy' that didn't even ASK to join us that is still pretty alright but also not is in a light sleep, a loud noise would probably wake him up. but I could see the dwarf watching Katyr quietly, about to leave.

(Vulas tiptoed over to Katyr, looking a bit discombobulated due to rolling around a lot in sleep... like always, veil hanging off of one ear etc.)

Katyr turns around, "dude you look like shit"

"At least I'm not chugging straight mana thinking no one can see me." fixes veil and brushes front bit of hair cause its not like anyone has the time at the start of the day to brush the back according to Vulas at least. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHO SAW ME?" Katyr said in a surprised whisper.

"Don't worry just the newbie dwarf." probably quite offensive, but I know there watching us. It was necessary to downgrade them so they don't attempt to steal the bottle for a future party member.

"Vulas. Have you got a mirror?" strange question but of course I have a mirror. I'm THE definition of beauty.

I hand it over. and they? she? he? I've started not being able to tell.. embarrassing really. BUT they took their shirt down a lot revealing the large bitemark on her??? shoulder.

"o-oh... OH MY GOD!"

Vulas grabbed her bag and opened another bottle, pouring out a healing ointment; finishing the job by pulling some bandages out of his pocket and tenderly wrapping it around the bite wound on his...her shoulder.

"hey, Katyr, what gender are you actually... cause no one here has any clue"

"are you telling me you don't know. VULAS WE WERE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS??" their face looked annoyed and tired.

"your a girl right?" Vulas guessed nonchalantly

"Im a guy. I have been for a while , but its ok cause your hot" he sighed.

"Wait, what?" 

"Ohhhh godd I am so sorry. I forgot about the side effects from mana based drinks"

is that why he takes himself away from the group to restock mana?

Katyr pov:

oh my god. why is his face so close to mine I can see every detail and every detail is pretty. I leaned on him because the blood loss made it harder for me to keep my head up. From the giant bite on my shoulder IF YOU FORGOT.

Circe yawned, "Good morning lovebirds!!" to witch we both turned bright red, curse being easy to read ughhhh

"guys joking aside. I don't like that creepy tall-man."

Author note:

I know this is wayyy shorter than the other chapter but hopefully still as good (love everyone that has read this so far)

guys pick a fan favorite so i can acshually decide on who gets the most read time or whatever the equal vent to screen time is in writing

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