Chapter seven

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Five weeks later

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Five weeks later

The scene opens up in a garden as alex was walking in garden taking in the amazing view of the scenery but then he heard a soft humming sound as he made a way and saw Lucy sitting on swing with a light blue of shoulder gown with floral pattens on her gown with her curly hair there looking at night sky humming.

Alex approached the swing and couldn't help but stare at the Lucy sitting on it. She was breathtaking, dressed in a beautiful blue gown that glimmered in the moonlight. He felt his heart skip a beat as he watched her humming a soft melody and looking up at the stars.Mustering up the courage, he finally cleared his throat to get her attention.

Lucy gaze at him as she got up "what you doing here?" She asked as he step closer "I came to see you," he said quietly, his voice tinged with wonder. "You look like an angel in this light." Alex could not believe how this came out of him but it was true.


"You're trouble, you know that?"

"perhaps you like me around you when I am around or not" she whispered to him as their nose had touched alex cupped her cheek "physically or mentally" she said nuzzling his nose with hers as his breathing was hitched his thumb traced her cheeks to her neck "Physically or mentally, it doesn't matter," he admitted in a husky tone. "I crave you in every way possible." 

He said as his eyes drifted to her lips as she kissed him softly and he did not hesitate to kiss her back as his eyes flutter shut

"do you want me to stop?" She mumbled between kisses as as he pulled back slightly, his breathing ragged. "No," he said hoarsely. "Don't stop." Then he was against her, hungrily capturing her mouth in another heated kiss, deepening it as he pulled her closer.

And then he woke up from his dream.

I jerked awake, gasping for air as the memories of the dream assaulted me

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I jerked awake, gasping for air as the memories of the dream assaulted me. I heart pounding and my breath coming in short gasps, I was sitting up sat up in bed. I was dreaming about lucy, in a blue gown in the garden me kissing her...

I ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm my racing thoughts. I had dreamed about lucy before, but this one felt so real, so visceral.... it was all so real. Something is bloody wrong with me as i kept my hand on my heart "Just a friend..just a friend" i said to myslef whispering as i took my breath

Yeah just as a friend who dream about kissing her want-"alex breakfast" james shouted making me jerked out of his thoughts and got up from the bed.

"Coming," i yelled back, trying to compose himself. As i wore my shirt and bush my hair and headed to the kitchen, where the scent of breakfast filled the air. Stop thinking about that dream she is just a friend you idoit.

I plastered a smile on my face making most believable smile and sat down at the table. Hearing both of them talk about party today but I can't join conversation because that dream was over again.

"you look tense" Noah said munching his pasta if I tell this idiot I dream about kissing Lucy in the garden out of a romance movie he will never let me forgot it and tease me to death. So i shrugged, downplaying my feelings "I'm fine, just didn't get much sleep last night." I said to them eating pasta "watched horror movies again?" James asked "something like that" I said nodding but In truth, i could still feel her ghost on his lips and it was driving him insane.i couldn't shake her from his mind. How much a drank yesterday? 

"by the way one house party is happening Connor there you can invite your fake girlfriend lucy you know as I am having dinner with my parents as you know " noah said

"Yeah okay sure" i nod "so sad you not coming with us" james said to Noah "I know but family dinner is planned by my dad today got to go" he said "say hi to them to me" i told Noah 

The whole daam day I was not in my mind that dream was still playing back of my mind and I distracted my mind in studies more as right know i was with my teammates giving idea for what next match be with as our couch was in important meeting with principal then i heard a door open to see lucy in white jacket blue shirt and jeans coming inside holding bunch of players as she head to teacher office as I can't help but to smile at her reaction as Noah patted my shoulder pointing at my teammates who is also looking at her 

As i let out a whistle as they all looked at me "eyes off, she is off limits" i told them as i give Noah a look telling to be in charge while i check on Lucy 

"hi" she said looking over papers "Hey. Whatcha looking at? " I asked as i noticed how cute she looked with the pages of papers covering her face, almost like she was hiding from me It was kinda attractive, alex she is just your friend for fuck sakes.

"Just the teacher told me to bring questions papers for PE in her office" she said nodding as she went inside the office and put the paper on the table as i came after her "So, did you have classes today?" I asked her as she looked at me and replied "2 done 2 more why" Lucy informed me as i shrugged

"Just making small talk We're supposed to act all couple-ish, you know." I tried a sort of lie honestly I love talking to her and listening to her 

"understand" she nodded to me as she continued "going to hailey and cara for coffee and why where was your team looking at me like a flirty way?" She asked me of course she would have noticed her eye is sharp and yet somewhat surprised that she did notice the guys looking at her. Play it of Garfield "They're just a bunch of hormonal morons," i said with a shrug. "Pay them no mind." I am going to have a word with them and tell not to look at her like this next time, also I know Lucy was bit nervous the way she was playing with her hand.

"I guess you're the same right?" She teased me as i scoffed, feigning innocence. "Me? Please, I have more self-control than that." Says the guy who dreams about her today "yeah I can see" she said stepping close to me good god... I raised an eyebrow as she stepped closer, their bodies almost touching. As she took a pen which was above question papers as she stepped back god..Lucy you

I cleared my throat, trying to keep my focus on the conversation at hand. "You know, you're a real tease."

"says the biggest flirt" she said leaving the office with a big smile on her face as i leaned back against the wall, running a hand over my hair This girl had me all tangled up in knots and he couldn't decide if i loved or hated it..

"Guilty as charge" I said to her as she turned around "you better pick me up for the party" she said out loud which made me remember that i had to tell her but she found out maybe thanks to cara Halley or Noah messaged her.

"Yes princess I shall have my carriage at your house" I said as she chuckled god how I love her laugh as i went back to my team "had your quality time dipshit?" Noah asked me i shot a glare at noah "Shut up, man," i muttered, still trying to shake the image of her out of my head. "It's not what you think." And he made kissing sounds as i laugh giving him playfully shove.

"You're an idiot , you know that right?"

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