ch 7💫

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Let's forget the previous chapter, thank you.( Swear , gayyy??, definitely not written under the sheets ).    

The weather is getting humid , is it? Or am I just ignoring fever.

I went out of my apartment still sleepy cause the next door was blasting music all night, I want to strangle him rn tbh , i remember getting out to get groceries from the local market , IN MY PAGAMAS yea you read it right i just woke up and feel like a thousand busses squished me up before I went to sleep, don't mind my goofy ah adjectives, i literally just woke up .
Oc ---

I'm  ren , my real name is  _ and I wanna die rn cause I literally walked that much just to stand in front of the closed store ...😾

Whatever, i will walk back home and will also get a nice walk, anyways this is not any k drama thingie or any cringie "ThIs IsMy fIrSt sToRy" thingey but I have a crush on the idiot next door...yea 

(Yayyyy exams are here 😾😾!!💖💖💫💫🤚🏻🤚🏻 Prayer for me tomorrow is physics and that explains why this is hella short )

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