"Rasengan!" Naruto exclaimed as he hit Kabuto in the stomach with his newly mastered justu.
'He did it.' Kei thought as she watched Kabuto crash into a large rock in pain.
She glanced over to see Naruto before she turned her attention back to Orochimaru and Jairya fighting until came to a stop looking at Naruto as well.
'Alright time end this.' Kei thought as she made sharp crystal blades come out of her arms and rushed towards a slightly distraction Orochimaru.
"How can you be standing after that?" Tsunade asked causing Kei to turn towards her to see her crouch down next to a passed-out Naruto and a panting Kabuto walking towards them.
'So Kabuto is still fine, but Naruto is hurt.' Kei thought as she studied Kabuto's appearance.
However, Kei was roughly lifted in the air by Orochimaru's tongue before he pulled her towards him."It's dangerous to let your guard down in the middle of a fight," Orochimaru stated despite his tongue being wrapped around Kei.
"Ugh, stop this Father let me go I don't want to fight, please," Kei said looking directly into her father's eyes begging him to stop this nonsense already.
"You Crystal Serpent are becoming a pain with your inference," Orochimaru said pulling Kei closer to him."Now stay out of the way child before you get seriously hurt," He whispered in her ear, before tossing her towards Kabuto who barely caught her before falling to his knees.
"Why father?"Kei questioned herself as she glanced over at her father standing on his snake across from Jairya.
Her eyes barely opened from the pain of being tossed in the air, but luckily it wasn't serious with Kabuto catching her in his arms.
"Kei," Tsunade said taking Kei from Kabuto and examining her.
"I'm fine," Kei said turning towards Tsunade with a faint smile.
'I fail mother. I couldn't beat Father to his senses still not strong enough, but his heart was there it had to be if he didn't hurt me.' She thought looking at her father Orochimaru as he came flying towards Naruto with his sword out of his mouth.
"Naruto no!" Kei exclaimed attempting to get up but fell back down from the world spinning around her slightly.
However, Tsunade got directly in front of Naruto shielding him and taking the hit of the sword in her chest.
"That was close," Kei whispered.
Orochimaru then swallows his sword back in his mouth."Tsunade, you are the second person I wouldn't want to kill," He stated glancing briefly at Kei barely conscious from exhaustion and pain.
'So he does care about me and Tsunade. I knew he had a heart still.' Kei thought breathing in slowly to relieve the strain of being pulled by her father's tongue.
"If that brat were allowed to live, it would mean more trouble than you and your friends could imagine," Orochimaru stated. "Stay out of my way."
"Father no don't do this," Kei whispered."Please stop this," She said trying to sit up but once again failing to do so.
"Enough of your blabber stay out of the way crystal serpent, unless you wish to be hurt far worse," Orochimaru stated glaring at Kei as she slowly began to lose consciousness.
'Oh boy, I'm so exhausted if only I was stronger.' Kei thought eyes barely opened as she stared at Tsunade and her father wishing she could do more than watch him continue down his path.
"No, "Tsunade said."You listen to me. If I do nothing else, I will protect this boy."
"Ha, and how do you plan to do that?" Orochimaru asked with a smirk on his face."Look at you. Your body is shivering like a leaf in the wind."
There was a moment of silence before Orochimaru continued, "Besides, why would you one of the Sannin, risk your life to protect this lowly Genin? Now the crystal serpent I might understand you protecting her since she is family, but this boy makes no sense."
Tsunade panted heavily before coughing up some blood."By saving him. I'm saving my home the Hidden Leaf Village," She said glaring at Orochimaru.
"Father," Kei whispered crawling weakly over towards Tsunade reaching out for her father.
"Enough of you," Orochimaru said suddenly appearing beside Kei and weakly touching her neck before he softly said something in her ear, before she screamed in agony.
"This is for your own good, sorry but it's not time for you yet," Orochimaru whispered.
The last thing she heard before losing complete consciousness was her father Orochimaru going back over to =stand in front of Tsunade and he said, "You think you're protecting the village?" He asked.
'Mother I was too weak to stop him.' Kei thought as everything around her went black.
Tsunade glanced over at Kei knocked out and placed her closer to Naruto wrapping his arms around her and keeping them safely together.
"You see, this boy, this lowly genin, has been chosen by fate to be Hokage someday, and kei will be a shinboi greater than us Sannin altogether one day," Tsunade stated.
Orochimaru chuckled."Sure the crystal serpent had gotten stronger, but still not good enough," He stated."Now as fo that boy you're talking nonsense he has never been Hokage, and even if it does stand true what of it? Who cares about the Hokage?' He asked.
"Only a fool would want that job," Orochimaru stated.
Tsunade eyes widened as she recalled saying the same words to Naruto. Her body trembled as she stood up."For now, I'm gambling on everything too. I'm putting my life on the line!"
"Well, if you're willing to throw your life away for the sake of one insignificant brat, I'm happy to accommodate you, " Orochimaru said rushing towards Tsunade and slashing at her with the sword in his mouth.
Shiuzne and Jairya both opened their eyes and gasped as Tsuande fell backwards hitting the ground.
"Now all that is left is Naruto himself," Orochimaru said walking towards Naruto.
"Lady Tsaunde!" Shiuzne shouted worried.
As Orochimaru was about to hit Naruto his attack was impacted by Tsunade shielding Naruto once again and moving Kei away safely to avoid getting hit as well.
"I told you I die before you hurt him," Tsunade stated.
"You're half dead already," Orochimaru said.
Suddenly Tsunade kicked Orochimaru in the face sending him flying back as a mark appeared on her forehead as she started healing her wounds.
"Father" Kei mumbled with a brief groan as she briefly opened her eyes to see herself on a large slug and her father on a large purple snake before once again the world around her went black.
'Oh kid you care about others greatly like your mother.' Tsunade thought looking at Kei subconsciously holding her snake necklace.
Hey lovely reader! Here we are Kei fails in her attempt to face her father and stop him and ends up being knocked out by Orochimaru who whispers in her ear before knocking her out in pain. Now with Tsunade determined to protect Naruto the sannin all summon their summoning starting a three-way deadlock, with Kei waking up briefly to see the slug. Next chapter we see if Kei fully wakes up to help with the three-way deadlock or stays knocked out completely until they are back in the village.
Question of the chapter: Who is your favorite Sannin?
Thanks for reading!
word count: 1266

The Crystal Serpent [Naruto X Oc] |Book 1
FanfictionKei is the daughter of Orochimaru yet she doesn't know who her father is and he doesn't know about her. She was the result of a one night stand with a female shinobi from the Hidden Sand Village. But what happens when she is found by the gate of...