you wont believe what just happened

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i just arrived at our house in LA for the summer. my parents decided it would be easiest to just rent a beach house that is kind of near everything.

so that's what we did.

the house was huge, like literally huge. i mean, it had to be since we were fitting 2 families for one whole month. the house had 3 stories, an upstairs, middle and downstairs floor.

right as we arrived, we put our stuff up, then avery and i made our way to the beach. we were so excited to finally live an LA summer. everything was new to us since we were used to living in atlanta.

avery's parents are helping rent a car so we can do our own thing when we want. my mom told me that as long as we're safe we can do whatever. though it's kind of scary since LA is so big. i guess not much bigger than atlanta though.

my boyfriend, well i guess ex, and i recently broke up. something just didn't feel the same between us and we thought it would be best to just break up for the summer.

avery convinced me that I would be better off without him since we were going to be far away from each other for a month. she was right, so i didn't argue.

i could meet the man that i've always dreamed of this summer, so i'm all open. my goal this summer is to just have fun and not worry about anything. especially since my parents are less strict this year, i'll be able to do even more.


you almost ready eli?

yeah lemme just put my swimsuit on

ok! meet you outside!
eli liked a message

eliana and avery made their way down to the beach. it was about 1 pm when they arrived and now it was 4 pm. they decided to go dry off for a little bit.

"i didn't realize how much the temperature would change from atlanta to LA" eliana exclaimed to avery. "literally, it's 4 pm and it still feels like a thousand degrees"

eliana and avery decided to go back to the house to take a shower and get ready for dinner. they noticed they were already getting tan, to the girls, that made them so excited!

"heyyy you girls almost ready?" "yeah we're coming!!"

my mom called avery and i downstairs so we can head to our reservation. we were eating at this really nice restaurant to celebrate our first night here.

as we finished up our food, the parents decided to go drink a couple drinks at the bar. avery and i decided to order dessert and the others were on their phones or playing around.

"when are we leaving mom?" "we'll head back in a sec" "we've been here for what feels like forever" i noticed my parents were talking to some other people that i'd seen before but i couldn't quite remember who they were.

as i walked back to my table i guy tapped on my shoulder "hey, i uh saw you from far away and i think you're really pretty, could i uh get your number?" "oh hi, you scared the shit out of me" i said laughing, as i made i contact with this man i realized who he was "oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to" "it's okay and thank you so much, but yeah here's my number" i couldn't believe what was going on right now.

"im javon by the way, javon walton" "i'm eliana lawrence, eli for short" "nice to meet you eli, i gotta get back now but i'll definitely text you later!" "sounds great!" as javon walked away, i didn't think this was real. i noticed him walk up next to my parents. that's when i realized that the people my parents were talking to at the bar were Jessica and Dj Walton.

i couldn't believe this was going on. i ran over to my seat and told avery everything that just happened to me "YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED" "OMG WHAT! WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY??"


as we headed back to the house, avery and i were literally screaming from excitement "eli this is insane omg like THE javon walton asked for your number" "yes AHHH i can't believe it omg!" "what's going on back there girls?" my mom asked "we'll tell you when we get home" av and i said in sync.

i know this is a little short but i wanted to save the rest for the next part! 💗☀️🏝️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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