(6) The Wreck

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Sapphire PoV

Sapphire lay abed with Luther at her side, the dull ache of the defeat still raw. I know I will receive a place within the order, that is not the question. What will my mother say? How can I face my competition knowing I lay bare and disheveled? "Your father may put us to the marriage with haste due to the loss of your cloth" Luther grumbled. Her eyes pricked, the disappointment is a crushing weight. She had held hope that if she did well enough in these trials she would be able to pick a female companion. Novalie. That was a massive and stupid hope, that she could earn the heart of the loveliest princess. Sapphires skin had been saved from permanent marking due to the skills of the royal alchemist's skill but she felt scarred all the same.

The healing wing was a room within the order house where they would reside close to the arena. The cream stone walls decorated with fauna, and the beds made of strong oak with soft duck feather bedding. She turned her head to fix her eyes at her fiancé "I do not mean to marry you." Sapphire said simply, not elaborating further. "Your inclinations are no concern of mine. Your purpose is not the marriage bed." He quips back firmly. Sapphire ignores him and turned her body the other way. She would win this whole affair and then choose for herself, she resolved. She would train and practice and study. She would do a celestial ritual and force natures hand for the attention of the gods if she had to. Too long had she endured the disdain of court and her family. Teno or not Sapphire knew she was skilled, more so than most alchemists she knew. She had mastered healing techniques with the best the palace had to offer when she was less than four and ten. She had developed the use of sigils to mimic celestial power, which was until now unheard of. No one knew how she toiled with trial and error to create that, the details, the drawing and redrawing trying different incantations. She was proud of her innovation, the arrogance of those around her made them blind to how she could grow this craft. Yes there were weaknesses, the throwing star had shown her. She shuddered at the thought. She hated to admit it but the solution was inspired and quick in thinking. I will need to craft invisible ink so that I may prevent this in future. It will not protect the spell from being disrupted but will take away the obvious target. She pondered the merit of tattooing her sigils, as long as they did not fade- and she did not overuse her manna. That is a problem. Her sigils when drawn on would just become ineffective or disappear after too much use. If she did tattoo them.. it would be up to her to know when to prevent exhaustive collapse or husking. I will see how the invisible ink fares in the first few days.

The doors of the room slammed open, nearly rattling off its hinges as a dozen Alchemists and Shields barrelled through. Luther cursed. Sapphire turned their way in alarm. Four are carrying- "Novalie!" Sapphire gasped, recognising her bejewelled dreadlocks. She tried to sit up in haste, ignoring the stinging in her palms. A few more came in carrying Vaida and lay them in the beds opposite Sapphires. She was in better condition from looking at her, some superficial wounds. She looked furious. "She broke near every bone except her neck!" One of the healers whispered to another while the large Shields carrying Novelie lay her down gently. The royal alchemist came running in out of breath clasping a concoction seemingly freshly brewed. A glass bottle with blue iridescent liquid within. Sapphire wanted to get closer but knew that she had not the strength, it was best to let them do their task. Her eyes prickled at the sight of her, she looked very frail, limp like a cloth stitched doll.

"Lift her head! Slowly. SLOWLY." The royal healer scowls as the panic in everyone caused too much haste. They lift her and pour some of  the blessed water into her mouth. Novalie's amber eyes flicker open at the taste. "Novalie!" Sapphire calls in concern. One grump of a woman, the matron snaps "Let her alone and lie down!" Sapphire makes no move but ceases her noise. The healer lays Novalie back down. And tells the Shields to leave and report to the queen, the room was too crowded. Sapphire knew why they were told to go and braces herself. Only those who heal know how gruesome it can look to those who don't. Just as they finish vacating the room a sickening crack fills the space. Novalie's bones are snapping back together. She jerks in her bed and lets out a scream while two healers hold her down. Vaida and Luther cringe in disgust at the noise. Sapphire's tears roll down her cheeks. The worst of it should be over soon.

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