INTERMISSION: Montly Checkup, Tapescript

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- are you feeling ok?

"yes, start right away"

- so, how do you see yourself now from last month?

"i'd say, not really that different, maybe a tad melacholic"

- why is that so?

"I don't really know exactly, quite sure that nothing has changed in my room"

- well, today is actually your one year anniversary since you've been in the facility

"one year already? man, time does really fly"

- according to your records, your mental state has improved since you've been here, although with many ups and downs

"yes, i can say that's true..."

- dont be sad, your mental state's trends upwards, meaning positive change! we will work as long as we need to make you capable of being outside

"thank you for all, man. i know this is all for my benefit"

- of course it is. you are one of our nicest and high-performing individual in the facility

"oh, now you are just boasting, cut it out!"

- well then, that concludes this month's checkup, thank you for being here 

"alright, see ya next month!"

-Sure, buddy, see you then!


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